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Child Day Care Centers


CACFP provides nutritious meals and snacks to infants and children as a regular part of their day care. 


A variety of public or private nonprofit child care centers, Head Start programs, outside-school-hours care centers, and other institutions which are licensed or approved to provide day care services participate in CACFP. For-profit centers that serve lower income children may also be eligible.

CACFP reimburses centers at free, reduced-price, or paid rates for eligible meals and snacks served to enrolled children, targeting benefits to those children most in need.

CACFP Facts:
Building for the Future (en Español)
Improving Oversight
Income Eligibility Guidelines
Meals and Snacks
Operational Provisions - 7 CFR 226.17
Reimbursement Rates
CACFP Nutrition and Nutrition Education
Care Connection
Cookbook for Child Care Centers
Healthy Meals Resource System
Mealtime Memo for Child Care (en Español)
MyPlate - Preschoolers
Nutrition and Wellness Tips for Young Children: Provider Handbook
Team Nutrition Library 
Wellness Resources for Child Care Providers
The Two Bite Club



Last modified: 01/23/2013