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Office of the Inspector General

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Office of Inspector General

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Welcome to the home page of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Inspector General. Our mission is to help the Department and the American taxpayer by:

Inspector General Gregory H. Friedman

  • Identifying opportunities for cost savings and operational efficiencies in Department programs; and
  • Returning hard dollars to the Department and the U.S. Treasury as a result of Office of Inspector General civil and criminal investigations.

In our service we have:

  • Assisted the Department, including the National Nuclear Security Administration, in identifying key management challenges such as the aging of the nuclear weapons complex infrastructure and the emerging human capital crisis;
  • Facilitated efforts to reform Department security, by identifying both systemic and situational vulnerabilities;
  • Annually audited the agency's financial statements, helping to ensure that the Department does that which every American business must do: balance its books;
  • Highlighted opportunities for reductions in overhead costs in environmental management and defense programs;
  • Investigated and helped bring to justice those who have committed crimes against the Department, with recent special emphasis on cyber crimes at an agency which owns and operates some of the most sophisticated supercomputers in the world; and
  • Issued a host of reports identifying concrete opportunities to reform Department: contract management; waste management; environment, safety and health stewardship; research and development; major facilities and project construction and operation; and human capital.

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What's New

Inspection Report
Organizational Conflicts of Interest Program at Sandia National Laboratories

Inspection Letter Report
Implementation of Nuclear Weapons Quality Assurance Requirements at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Audit Letter Report
Performance of Recovery Act Funds at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Inspection Report
Alleged Violations of Executive Order 12333, U.S. Intelligence Activities - Improper Retention and Dissemination of Information on U.S. Persons

Audit Report
Implementation of Beryllium Controls at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Audit Report
The Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance Program under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in the State of West Virginia

Audit Letter Report
Follow-up Audit of National Nuclear Security Administration's Nuclear Explosive Safety Study Program

Audit Report
The Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance Program Funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the State of Wisconsin

Audit Letter Report
Use of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Funds on Solid Waste Project Activities at the Department of Energy's Hanford Site

Audit Report
Management Alert on Planned Actions Related to the National Energy Technology Laboratory's Simulation-Based Engineering User Center

Audit Letter Report
The Department of Energy's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – New Jersey State Energy Program

Inspection Report
Verification of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Contract Workers' Eligibility to Work in the U.S.