Description: SFpark works by collecting and distributing real-time information about where parking is available and how much it costs in eight pilot areas across San Francisco. Applications using this information will help drivers make smarter decisions on where and when to drive. Developers can access a real-time data feed provided as a REST service with data returned in XML or JSON format. The Serv
Agency Name: San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Date Released: April 21, 2011
Time Period: Current time
Frequency: Real-time
Location of dataset: SFpark API specifications
Format: XML and JSON
Location of Data Dictionary: SFpark API specifications

Description: A Street that has been paved within the last 5 years is added to the Utility Excavation Moratorium list.
Agency Name: Department of Public Works
Date Released: daily
Time Period: the last 5 years
Frequency: daily
Location of dataset:
Format: CSV
Location of Data Dictionary: n/a

Description: Mobile Food Facility Permits including name of vendor, location, type of food sold and status of permit
Agency Name: Department of Public Works - Bureau of Street-Use & Mapping
Date Released: current
Time Period: current
Frequency: Daily
Location of dataset:
Format: CSV
Location of Data Dictionary: N/A

Description: This shows the adopted budgets for all San Francisco Departments for two fiscal years - FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-2011. It is organized by Organization(Department and Division), Service (Program), Fund, and Type of Revenue or Expenditure (with details: Character, Object and Sub-object).

Agency Name: Controller's Office, Budget and Analysis Division
Date Released: August of each year
Time Period: July 2009 to June 2011
Frequency: Annual
Location of dataset:
Format: Excel
Location of Data Dictionary: In File

Description: This shows the adopted position budgets for all San Francisco Departments for two fiscal years - FY 2009-2010 and FY 2010-2011. It is organized by Organization(Department and Division), Service (Program), Fund, Job Class, Bargaining Unit, and Type of Expenditure (Salaries or Benefits). It shows the counts of Full Time Equivalents and the amount.

Agency Name: Controller's Office, Budget and Analysis Division
Date Released: August of each year
Time Period: July 2009 to June 2011
Frequency: Annual
Location of dataset:
Format: Excel
Location of Data Dictionary: In File

Description: Wireless Telecommunications Facilities in San Francisco

Spreadsheets provided by wireles carriers detailing locations of current and proposed telecommunications facilities. Details include location, carrier, type of technology, number of antennas and radio frequency range.

Agency Name: City and County of San Francisco Planning Department
Date Released: January 2011
Time Period: October 2010
Frequency: Quarterly
Location of dataset:
Format: Excel Spreadsheets
Location of Data Dictionary: zip file
Additional Details: You will be asked for a username and password when downloading the data. Please enter:
- username: cplanpub1
- password: !pl@nning

Description: If you love movies, and you love San Francisco, you're bound to love this -- a listing of filming locations of movies shot in San Francisco from 1924 - 2010. You'll find the titles, locations, fun facts, names of the director, writer, actors, and studio for most of these films.
Agency Name: San Francisco Film Commission
Date Released: 12/21/2010
Time Period: 1924 - 2010
Frequency: Annual
Location of dataset: Film Locations in SF Dataset
Format: excel
Location of Data Dictionary:

San Francisco Wind Monitoring Data

Categorized under Environment Views: 1486 (Editorial)
Description: Data measured by weather stations installed by the SFPUC that have wind monitoring located throughout San Francisco and on SFPUC-owned land. Parameters recorded include: wind speed, wind direction, ambient temperature, and solar irradiance.
Agency Name: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Date Released: 15th of every month
Time Period: Current file contains year-to-date data for the last complete month. Archive file contains all years prior to current year.
Frequency: Data is in 5-minutes or 15-minutes.
Location of dataset: Latest Year
Prior Years Archive
Format: CSV in a ZIP file
Location of Data Dictionary: Data Dictionary

Description: The SFO air traffic datasets include passenger counts, cargo weight, and aircraft landing counts and landed weight at the airport. Data is updated quarterly, and in addition to the CSV format, there are sample Excel spreadsheets pre-populated with the data and with several pivot tables created as an example of how the data can be used. Data analysis tips are included on the dataset webpage.
Agency Name: San Francisco International Airport
Date Released: 30 days following quarter end
Time Period: July 2005 to present
Frequency: Monthly
Location of dataset: SFO Air Traffic Datasets
Format: CSV
Location of Data Dictionary: SFO Air Traffic Datasets

Description: This passenger data set contains data pertaining to customer demographics and satisfaction with Airport facilities, services, and initiatives. The data was collected in May 2009 through interviews with 1,400 customers in each of SFO’s terminals and boarding areas. Samples sizes per terminal, boarding area, airline, and time of day were weighted to reflect actual customer traffic disbursement.

Agency Name: San Francisco International Airport
Date Released: December, 2010
Time Period: 2009
Frequency: Annually
Location of dataset:
Format: CSV
Location of Data Dictionary: Within the zip file

Description: Historical Zoning Districts - March 2005

Summaries of the Zoning District codes can be found here:

Section 105 of the Planning Code states:
"The designations, locations and boundaries of the districts established by this Code shall be shown upon the "Zoning M
Agency Name: City & County of San Francisco Planning Department
Date Released: One off
Time Period: March 2005
Frequency: One off
Location of dataset:
Format: GIS Shapefile
Location of Data Dictionary: Data dictionary can be found in the .xml file within the zip
Additional Details: You will be asked for a username and password when downloading the data. Please enter:
- username: cplanpub1
- password: !pl@nning

Description: Historical Zoning Districts - April 2000

Summaries of the Zoning District codes can be found here:

Section 105 of the Planning Code states:
"The designations, locations and boundaries of the districts established by this Code shall be shown upon the "Zoning M
Agency Name: City & County of San Francisco Planning Department
Date Released: One off
Time Period: April 2000
Frequency: One off
Location of dataset:
Format: GIS Shapefile
Location of Data Dictionary: Data dictionary can be found in the .xml file within the zip
Additional Details: You will be asked for a username and password when downloading the data. Please enter:
- username: cplanpub1
- password: !pl@nning

Description: Climate Action Plan
Agency Name: City and County of San Francisco, Airport Commission
Date Released: Annually
Time Period: Through February 2010
Frequency: Annual
Location of dataset: SFO Climate Action Plan
Format: .pdf
Location of Data Dictionary: SFO Climate Action Plan
Additional Details: None

Description: This dataset includes all SFMTA-owned meters as of November 2010.

This data contains:

  • Locations

  • Times and days of operation

  • Meter type

  • Rate areas

  • Status (M = active meter, T = temporarily unavailable, U = temporarily unavailable, L = legislated, but not yet installed)

  • Tow dates and times (TowwFM,TOW1TO, TOW1)

  • Agency Name: SFMTA
    Date Released: November 2010
    Time Period: November 2010.
    Frequency: periodic
    Location of dataset:
    Format: Shapefile and KML
    Location of Data Dictionary: XML file included in Shapefile link

Description: The Equal Benefits Ordinance, as Chapter 12B of the San Francisco Administrative Code is commonly referred to, prohibits the City of San Francisco from entering into contracts or leases with entities (which do more than $5,000 of business with the City per year) that discriminate against their employees in the provision of benefits between employees with domestic partners and employees with spous
Agency Name: Human Rights Commission
Date Released: 1st week of every month
Time Period: 1997 to present
Frequency: N/A
Location of dataset:
Format: Excel
Location of Data Dictionary:

Description: 20 Year Housing Production Trend 1990-2009.

For further details please see the San Francisco Housing Inventory

Agency Name: City & County of San Francisco Planning Department
Date Released: March 2010
Time Period: 1990-2009
Frequency: Annual Inventory
Location of dataset:
Format: Excel
Location of Data Dictionary: none
Additional Details: You will be asked for a username and password when downloading the data. Please enter:
- username: cplanpub1
- password: !pl@nning

Description: FY 2009-2010 San Francisco Public Library System-wide Statistics: Circulation, Collection Size, In-Library Use, Visits, Newly registered patrons, Reference questions. 
Agency Name: San Francisco Public Library
Date Released: 1st month of each new fiscal year
Time Period: July 1 - June 30 of each fiscal year
Frequency: Annual
Location of dataset:
Format: Excel
Location of Data Dictionary: N/A

Description: Shoreline bacteria are routinely monitored at 14 stations around the perimeter of San Francisco where water contact recreation may occur. These include three stations within the Candlestick Point State Recreation Area, two stations at Aquatic Park, two stations along Crissy Field Beach, three stations at Baker Beach, one at China Beach, and three stations along Ocean Beach. The beach monitoring p
Agency Name: SFPUC
Date Released: 10-22-2010
Time Period: Daily
Frequency: Daily
Location of dataset:
Format: CSV
Location of Data Dictionary: None
Additional Details: None

Description: Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the San Francisco Administrative Code entitled “Acquisition of Commodities and Services,” City agencies are not required to submit purchase orders for goods and services under $10,000 to competitive bidding. These purchase orders are known citywide as “delegated departmental purchases” or, more often, “Prop Q purchases.” In fiscal year 2008/09 Prop Q purchases totaled ov
Agency Name: Human Rights Commission
Date Released: Every Quarter
Time Period: January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010
Frequency: Quarterly
Location of dataset:
Format: Excel
Location of Data Dictionary:

Description: Database of publicly accessible open spaces.

This dataset is in GIS shapefile format. The .dbf file can also be opened in Excel, Access or other database programs.

Agency Name: City & County of San Francisco Planning Department
Date Released: 29 September 2010
Frequency: Quarterly
Location of dataset:
Format: GIS Shapefile
Location of Data Dictionary: Data dictionary can be found in the .xml file within the zip
Additional Details: You will be asked for a username and password when downloading the data. Please enter:
DataSF is a clearinghouse of datasets available from the City & County of San Francisco. Our goal in releasing this site is:
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(2) help our community create innovative apps
(3) understand what datasets you'd like to see
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