Around Town: June 25, 2009

It’s already been a busy summer throughout the agencies and departments, participating in United We Serve, launching new initiatives, working on health care reform, and helping the nation move towards recovery.
  • The Office of Personnel Management, in partnership with the Chief Human Capitol Officers Council, has launched, a government-wide effort to gather food for people in need.  Their goal is to gather one million pounds of food.
  • Energy Secretary Chu announced $8 billion in conditional loan agreements to propel innovation in fuel efficiency, and revolutionize the auto industry in America. These loans will help cars meet the President’s new fuel efficiency standards while creating jobs, and ensuring American future competitiveness.
  • The Department of Education announced a simpler, more user-friendly college aid application, the Free Application for Federal Student Air (FAFSA). This will make it easier for students to apply for college financial aid.
  • HHS Secretary Sebelius released a new report, entitled "Hidden Costs of Health Care," which documents how rising costs are making it increasingly difficult for families with insurance to get the health care that they need. This is part of a series of reports that shows the status quo is unacceptable. You can read the reports here.
  • Transportation Secretary LaHood joined the Vice President to announce that transportation projects funded through the Recovery Act are ahead of schedule and under budget. States had a June 29 deadline to obligate 50 percent of their highway funds, and all 55 states and territories successfully beat this deadline.
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