Joining Forces to Put Military Families First

Over the last two weeks, First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden have been traveling the country to publicize the launch of their Joining Forces initiative. From North Carolina and Virginia to Colorado and California, the First Lady and Dr. Biden have taken part in events that highlight the amazing work everyday Americans are doing to help America's military families.

This weekend, PARADE magazine interviewed them about Joining Forces. They talked about why they chose to focus on military families, and what their goals are for getting Americans involved:

PARADE: If Americans rally around our military families, what do you think this new connectiveness could do for us as a country?

JILL BIDEN: It would create a lot of patriotism, you know, that feeling I had as a child. We just need to say to America, “Wake up. You need to support these families and we need to lift them up and really value them.”

MICHELLE OBAMA: And the truth is, I think that’s how most Americans feel.

Be sure to read the whole interview and find out more.

As the school year comes closer to an end, and the days get longer and warmer, it can be even easier to find some time to help a military family in your area. It can be as simple as watching the kids for a night, or as big as organizing a cookout for veterans, servicemembers, and their families. Every kindness counts.

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