The White House Blog: Service

  • West Wing Week: "A Good Day For America"

    This week, the President announced the death of Osama bin Laden, visited New York City to honor the victims of 9/11 and their families, made sure the federal government was doing its part in the states devastated by storms and much more.

  • "Our Obligations to Each Other As Americans": President Obama Welcomes the Wounded Warrior Project's Soldier Ride

    This afternoon, the South Lawn of the White House was full of veterans, military families, and their bicycles, as the Wounded Warrior Project's Soldier Ride came to the White House. The Soldier Ride started as a way to help wounded soldiers recover from their injuries through adaptive cycling. Nearly a decade later, the program has expanded to involve civilians as well, raising money for and promoting the cause of America's wounded warriors.

    In welcoming the riders, President Obama said a few words about the beginnings of the Soldier Ride effort:

    Today is a reminder -- as Michelle and Jill Biden have already said -- that every American, every single person in this country, can do something to support our remarkable troops and their families. Everybody can do something.

    So seven years ago, a bartender from Long Island had the same idea. He wasn’t from a military family. He had never served in the military.  But he knew that he owed our military something. He was just an ordinary American who was grateful for the service of all those who wear the uniform. And he said, “I just wanted to give something back.”

    So he jumped on his bike and rode across the country -- over 5,000 miles -- to raise funds and awareness for our wounded warriors. Today, there are Soldier Rides all across America giving our wounded warriors the confidence and support they need to recover. That’s the difference a single person can make. Today we want to thank Chris Carney and everyone from the Wounded Warrior Project for reminding us of our obligations to each other as Americans.

  • Taking the Time to Listen

    Earlier this month as I listened to educators from across the country discuss teaching and learning with White House and Department of Education officials, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride for what the discussion represented.

    First, it was affirming that the views of those in the field are being honored, spotlighted, and listened to by the administration. This can only help deepen understanding of what it means to teach and learn, thereby hopefully helping to better match policy with the needs, challenges, and opportunities of those who are affected by those policies.

    Additionally, the discussion represented the countless amazing individuals in this country who, like the thirteen educators present in the discussion, overcome tremendous obstacles every day in order to increase opportunities for children to learn. Teachers, students, parents, mentors, community members, counselors, administrators and other individuals who work to support students often times are in situations where the conditions required for success are insufficient. This is increasingly the case as amazing teachers across the country are faced with the prospect with losing their jobs at the end of this school year due to budget cuts.  Yet, those who can, fight on; they persist, and they carve space and hope for change to occur so that people can have a chance to fulfill their American dreams.

  • Volunteers Prove Essential to Disaster Response

    CNCS Disaster Services Unit

    Volunteers help gut homes, aiding in recovery efforts from recent storms. May 4, 2011. (by Corporation for National and Community Service)

    Over the past few weeks, a series of devastating tornadoes swept across the country.  From Mississippi to Virginia, communities are suffering great losses.  The Corporation for National and Community Service’s (CNCS) Disaster Services Unit rapidly mobilized thousands of volunteers to assist local recovery efforts.  

    Working closely with the State Service Commissions and FEMA, CNCS has built partnerships across public and private sectors to provide critical services to communities in need.  In Kentucky, AmeriCorps members support local Red Cross shelters.  In St. Louis, AmeriCorps Safety Service Corps deployed members to remove trees from roofs and tarp houses to keep out the rain.  Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) volunteers are providing services such as  checking on the welfare of affected residents, clearing debris, delivering clean water, assisting residents with relocation, distributing donations, organizing sandbag efforts to prevent flooding, transporting elderly residents to medical facilities, and providing case management support.

    For Kelly DeGraff, the Senior Advisor for Disaster Services at CNCS, the agency's response to the tornadoes in Mississippi was particularly poignant.  In less than 24 hours after the tornado struck Jackson, MS, CNCS volunteers were on the ground serving affected residents.  A team of six NCCC members from the Southern Region campus in Vicksburg, MS helped to feed residents and distribute supplies.  For nearly a week, team Leader Moses Moua, 23, of Orlando, FL and Corps Member Michael Brown, 20, of Indianapolis, IN provided day and night staffing at the American Red Cross shelter in Clinton, MS.

    While working in the shelter, Moua and Brown spent time with Frelicia May and her family of sixteen.  May, her husband, sister, children and grandchildren were painfully familiar with being in a shelter following a storm.  After losing everything during Hurricane Katrina, they had drifted to several places in Louisiana and Texas before settling near her family in Jackson, MS.  On April 15, when the tornado struck May’s new home, she gathered the few things she could salvage and headed to her sister’s two-bedroom apartment.  They quickly realized that the cramped apartment would not provide the large family sufficient space or resources to get back on their feet.

    The May family took refuge in the American Red Cross shelter where Moua and Brown welcomed them.  After a few days at the shelter, May spoke affectionately of the NCCC members – “We love them.  They laugh and talk to us and treat us like family.  Michael is really good with the kids.”  In addition to providing the families with basic needs, Brown has been playing tic-tac-toe, basketball, coloring, and reading to the 13 children.

    “I can do a lot of things that I couldn’t do before, like build things.  I knew exactly what to do when I got to this shelter because we had training on it,” said Brown.  He said that being an NCCC volunteer has taught him a lot of skills and given him training that he didn’t know he would utilize.  It has also taught him the power of giving back.

    Throughout the year, CNCS engages more than 1.5 million Americans of all ages and backgrounds in service.  Senior Corps, AmeriCorps State and National, and the AmeriCorps NCCC volunteers have been particularly active in responding to the recent disasters.  These programs play an essential role assisting communities responding to a disaster.  CNCS volunteer programs provide a great deal of value both to the communities in which they serve and the volunteers themselves. 

    For more information, contact the CNCS Disaster Services Unit at

    Divya Kumaraiah is the Policy Assistant to the White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation

  • Celebrating the Work of America's Public Servants

    Ed. note: First Lady Michelle Obama sent a video message to public servants as part of the White House's observance of Public Service Recognition Week.

    What do you know about public servants?  Probably more than you think.  And during Public Service Recognition Week, you have the opportunity to learn even more.

    John Berry is the Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management

  • Public Service Recognition Week

    Download Video: mp4 (14MB) | mp3 (1MB)

    Sunday was the start of Public Service Recognition Week. It’s a time to thank professional public servants - the people behind the scenes. Wherever you live, they are the people who pick up the phone when you call 911, and the police and firefighters who come to your door; the teachers in your schools and the people who maintain your local parks. 

    Federal public servants may not always be as visible, but they are in every state as well. They focus on national security and law enforcement tasks like protecting our borders; they pursue criminals who cross state lines and care for our veterans. Others make sure our roads and rails are designed and built safely and that our food and water supply is clean.

    Public servants do a million things you may take for granted every day. Since 1985, we’ve taken this week to learn more about what public servants do and show our appreciation. First Lady Michelle Obama wanted to be the first to thank Federal employees. Click below to hear what she has to say.

  • Champions of Change: Chefs Move to Schools

    Editor’s Note: Champions of Change is a weekly initiative to highlight Americans who are making an impact in their communities and help our country rise to the many challenges of the 21st century.

    Download Video: mp4 (11MB) | mp3 (1MB)

    It is an honor to be named a Champion of Change by the White House for my work with school nutrition programs in the Pacific Northwest.  Last Friday I joined a roundtable meeting with Administration officials and five other chefs from around the nation to discuss best practices for working with schools and teachers through the Chefs Move to Schools program. 

    We have an extraordinary opportunity in this country to influence a lifetime of healthy eating habits beginning with children and teens.  Schools provide a perfect setting, both in the classroom and in the cafeteria.  Chef volunteers with Chefs Move to Schools are ready to share their expertise to get kids excited about tasty, healthy foods. 

    In the classroom chefs can teach students through demonstration or hands-on cooking experiences.  It could be something as simple as seasonal produce show-tell-and-taste, or a hands-on activity to build cooking confidence.  Chefs in the classroom can also collaborate with the cafeteria to promote new healthy school menu items. 

  • Growing Green Neighborhoods Through Youth Engagement

    Groundwork Somerville, youth gardening

    Groundwork Somerville teens tending and harvesting a garden and learning about urban agriculture. April 25, 2011. (by Chelsea Clarke, Groundwork Somerville)

    In 2010, Chelsea Clarke joined Groundwork Somerville (GWS), a nonprofit that promotes sustainable community development and revitalization in Somerville, MA.  It was a “giant leap of faith,” for the environmental consultant, but it turned out to be the perfect blend of her passions and the incredible investment in her own community she had been yearning.

    Clarke began at GWS as a Green Team supervisor.  Green Team is an environmental job corps that employs youth ages 14-17 to learn about and practice environmental stewardship, educate communities on green space issues, and conduct community health outreach.  The youth also maintain the upkeep of school gardens and harvest and sell produce at local farmers’ markets.  Green Team helps youth develop strong interpersonal skills through their team, with their supervisor, and through interactions with farmers’ market customers.  “You can really see them grow over time,” gushes Clarke.  “Just a few weeks ago, we took some of the teens to Philadelphia for the 2011 EPA Brownfields Conference.  It was amazing to see someone who started out as a shy kid get up and present so confidently at a national conference.”

    Now a community organizer, Clarke works more extensively within the neighborhood, primarily with the Green Line/Green Spaces Team.  This team concentrates on the planning and use of lands for the extension of the Boston metro system through Somerville, specifically focusing on the project’s affect on urban youth.  Clarke explains that “key issue areas for city youth are surprisingly similar to those of older demographics” – youth are just as concerned with sustainability, transportation affordability, and efficiency as their parents.

    Groundwork Somerville, Garden Youth Crew

    Garden Youth Crew gets their hands dirty and learn about urban agriculture in Somerville. April 22, 2011. (by Chelsea Clarke, Groundwork Somerville)

    GWS also has programs for younger children as well as the broader community.  The Schoolyard Gardens Program and Garden Youth Crew teach urban kids about their ecosystem and the agricultural practices behind the food they eat.  The Community Corridor Planning program aims to make community planning processes inclusive and advocate for health equity and local jobs.  The Somerville SoilCycle picks up compost for community members and uses the fresh soil from the composting for school gardens.  Finally, the “Spring into Action!” program gives 2nd and 3rd grade Somerville students a chance to spend their spring breaks learning about their environment, participating in outdoor physical activities, and learning to prepare balanced meals.

    Groundwork Somerville is part of the national Groundwork USA network, which works to improve neighborhoods that have experienced long-term decline in their physical and social environments.

    Share your story about a transformative person or organization in your community!

  • Resilient and Sustainable Economies in the Gulf Coast

    Solar Panels at Charlotte High School

    Solar Panels at Charlotte High School – the first full campus LEED Gold Certified public school in the Southeast. April 22, 2011. (by Charlotte County, FL)

    This week marked the one year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.  Throughout the past year, communities across the Gulf coast have worked hard to diversify their economies to be more resilient.  The Clean Economy Development Center (CEDC) has established a model of collaboration that brings together local communities, federal agencies, nonprofits, and businesses to rebuild neighborhoods to be more environmentally and economically sustainable. 
    Charlotte County recently hosted the “CEDC Clean Economy Roadshow,” spotlighting their innovative recovery work.  Charlotte County, on Florida’s west coast, is home to almost 160,000 residents.  Over the past seven years, the County’s primary industries of construction and tourism have struggled from the economic recession, three hurricanes, and the BP oil spill.  Jason Stoltzfus, Program Liaison for Charlotte County, notes that by 2010 the unemployment rate was 13% and property values had gone down by 42%.  In response, the county has worked hard to build a more sustainable economy, job market, and tax base by diversifying the County’s economic focus to include green technologies, renewable energy, medical information technology and life sciences. 
    Charlotte County has partnered with local businesses and leveraged FEMA funding to assist with rebuilding a more resilient community.  Sustainability and energy are at the core of the County recovery plan – creating sustainable businesses and jobs while reducing energy needs and costs.  Some of their innovative projects include:
    LEED Buildings
    In the rebuilding process following Hurricane Charley, five of the public schools earned LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification.  Charlotte High School is the first full campus LEED certified public high school in the Southeastern United States.
    Annual Energy Conference
    The County hosts a two day conference – the Green Future Expo and Energy Options Conference – that promotes green energy, sustainable construction and economic growth.  Over 3,000 people have attended the conference.
    Solar Hot Water Service
    Through a partnership with a local business, the County is in the process of establishing a Solar Hot Water Service program that will provide residents a low cost method for lowering their utility bills with no upfront costs.  The program will generate jobs, provide the county with additional revenue through a profit share, and enable residents to switch to solar energy with no upfront or additional cost.
    Babcock Ranch
    The County is working with the legislature to permit the development of Babcock Ranch – the first city planned to be 100% powered by solar energy.  The majority of the power would be generated by the largest on-site solar photovoltaic facility in the world.
    Charlotte County is a small but mighty county with a clear vision of how to rebuild in a manner that is both sustainable and more resilient to future disasters.  Next month, Stoltzfus will join leaders from communities across the Gulf Coast to share ideas and experiences at the Gulf Coast Sustainable Economies Leadership Academy.  CEDC is partnering with the Corporation for National and Community Service and the Institute for Sustainable Communities will be hosting a free training, peer learning and technical assistance workshop in New Orleans. The goal is to help catalyze community-based sustainable development in Gulf Coast communities.
    Divya Kumaraiah is the Policy Assistant to the White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation

  • Honoring Eli J. Segal – A True Entrepreneur

    Today marks the two year anniversary for the Serve America Act.  As we celebrate the progress we’ve made in looking to community solutions and innovation to address our nation’s greatest challenges, we also reflect on those who have paved the way for service.

    Last month, Melody Barnes, Director of the Domestic Policy Council, had the honor of addressing students, faculty and community members at Brandeis University for the annual Eli J. Segal Memorial Lecture

    Eli J. Segal was both a respected businessman and a dedicated public servant.  In the 2007 Inaugural Segal Memorial Lecture, President Clinton remembered his friend and colleague as a true entrepreneur – a man who saw problems as opportunities for new solutions.  He showed us that service could be an integral part of one’s life, not just something to squeeze into limited spare time.

    Segal was a doer – someone who turned his visions into reality.  An aide to President Clinton, Segal was instrumental in driving several of the Clinton Administration’s most praised projects.  He helped create AmeriCorps – the national service program that today deploys 85,000 Americans to serve in communities across the country – and he went on to serve as the first CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, the agency established to run the federal service programs.  Nelson Mandela turned to the “father of AmeriCorps” for uniting post-apartheid South Africa through service.  Segal and President Clinton helped realize Mandela’s vision of a black and white youth serving side by side through the creation of City Year-South Africa.  During the overhaul of the federal welfare system, Segal was the “chief implementer” – finding 20,000 companies to move 1 million Americans from welfare to work.

    In her remarks highlighting Segal’s legacy, Barnes said:

    "Coast to coast, country to country, Eli believed ordinary citizens could be change agents empowered to strengthen their communities, their country, and the world.  And at a time when our world is changing so quickly – when some are looking for what divides us rather than what brings us together – it is the best time to honor a person who believed in the humanity that exists in all of us – humanity that ultimately resists division and instead, brings us closer to work for the common good."

    Barnes remembered past Presidents who had called on our nation to serve, and she relayed President Obama’s call for Americans to integrate service into their lives.

    “…We have a real opportunity to position America to win the future.  This is the time to build new models of civic engagement – and if past is prologue, we will.  Historically, we’ve responded boldly in times of challenge by tapping into our creativity and ingenuity.  And, we’ve turned to community – rather than away from it – for solutions.”

    The Administration understands that government does not and should not have all the answers.  Rather, solutions to the major challenges that we face are going to be overcome by ordinary citizens across the country taking action to improve their communities.

    Tell us how you are integrating service into your life.

    Divya Kumaraiah is the Policy Assistant to the White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation