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Wednesday May 11, 2011

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Market Summary

US MarketsEuropean MarketsAsian MarketsUS Markets
Updated: 9:49 AM ET

US markets are lower today. The NASDAQ is off 0.04%, while the S&P 500 is down 0.34% and DJIA is lower by 0.43%.

S&P 500
S&P 5001,353-4.56

Market data is delayed at least 15 minutes.

Updated: 9:49 AM ET

In current trading, the European markets are mixed, with the FTSE 100 most in decline, down by 0.54%.

FTSE 100
FTSE 100 5,987-32.31
CAC 404,058+5.71
DAX Index7,513+11.30

Market data is delayed at least 15 minutes.

Updated: 9:49 AM ET

In Asia, the indexes closed mixed at the end of the day's trading, with the NSE 50 having had the greatest change, up by 0.43%.

Hang Seng
Hang Seng23,292-44.20
India NSE5,565+23.80

Market data is delayed at least 15 minutes.

Lepanto Consolidated Mining
LECBF:US0.016 USD+60.00%
Today's Change:+0.006 USD
Siam Cement PCL
SCVPF:US13.75 USD+28.50%
Today's Change:+3.05 USD
Giordano International Ltd
GRDZF:US0.72 USD+20.00%
Today's Change:+0.12 USD
Rovi Corp
ROVI:US58.83 USD+18.42%
Halozyme, Molycorp, Rovi, Spec...
BYD Electronic International C...
BYDIF:US0.54 USD+17.39%
Today's Change:+0.08 USD
Causeway Entertainment Co
UBEX:US0.20 USD-98.00%
Today's Change:-9.81 USD
IntraLinks Holdings Inc
IL:US21.22 USD-29.24%
Today's Change:-8.77 USD
STEC:US17.43 USD-13.15%
Halozyme, Molycorp, Rovi, Spec...
China Travel International Inv...
CTVIF:US0.17 USD-10.53%
Today's Change:-0.02 USD
China Yuchai International Ltd
CYD:US28.59 USD-9.06%
Today's Change:-2.85 USD
Sansui Electric Co Ltd
6793:JP2.00 JPY+100.00%
Today's Change:+1.00 JPY
D.Western Therapeutics Institu...
4576:JP183.00 JPY+37.59%
Today's Change:+50.00 JPY
Nihon Seimitsu Co Ltd
7771:JP68.00 JPY+33.33%
Today's Change:+17.00 JPY
2132:JP196,800 JPY+25.51%
Today's Change:+40,000 JPY
2654:JP40.00 JPY+25.00%
Today's Change:+8.00 JPY
Stellar Group Co Ltd
8206:JP2.00 JPY-33.33%
Today's Change:-1.00 JPY
6337:JP1,067 JPY-20.79%
Today's Change:-280.00 JPY
Chuco Co Ltd
2139:JP115.00 JPY-17.86%
Today's Change:-25.00 JPY
Truck-one Co Ltd
3047:JP17,640 JPY-14.53%
Today's Change:-3,000.00 JPY
Sansha Electric Manufacturing ...
6882:JP594.00 JPY-14.29%
Today's Change:-99.00 JPY
Lepanto Consolidated Mining (LECBF:US)
Graph of Lepanto Consolidated Mining performance.Last:0.016 USD
Change Today:+0.006 +60.00%
Siam Cement PCL (SCVPF:US)
Graph of Siam Cement PCL performance.Last:13.75 USD
Change Today:+3.05 +28.50%
Giordano International Ltd (GRDZF:US)
Graph of Giordano International Ltd performance.Last:0.72 USD
Change Today:+0.12 +20.00%
Rovi Corp (ROVI:US)
  • Last: 58.83 USD
  • Change Today: +9.15 +18.42%
  • Volume: 1.5M
Graph of Rovi Corp performance.RELATED NEWS
BYD Electronic International Co Ltd (BYDIF:US)
Graph of BYD Electronic International Co Ltd performance.Last:0.54 USD
Change Today:+0.08 +17.39%
Causeway Entertainment Co (UBEX:US)
Graph of Causeway Entertainment Co performance.Last:0.20 USD
Change Today:-9.81 -98.00%
IntraLinks Holdings Inc (IL:US)
Graph of IntraLinks Holdings Inc performance.Last:21.22 USD
Change Today:-8.77 -29.24%
  • Last: 17.43 USD
  • Change Today: -2.64 -13.15%
  • Volume: 499.4K
Graph of STEC Inc performance.RELATED NEWS
China Travel International Inv HK (CTVIF:US)
Graph of China Travel International Inv HK performance.Last:0.17 USD
Change Today:-0.02 -10.53%
China Yuchai International Ltd (CYD:US)
Graph of China Yuchai International Ltd performance.Last:28.59 USD
Change Today:-2.85 -9.06%
Sirius XM Radio Inc (SIRI:US)
Graph of Sirius XM Radio Inc performance.Last:2.37 USD
Change Today:+0.02 +0.85%
Bank of America Corp (BAC:US)
  • Last: 12.26 USD
  • Change Today: -0.02 -0.16%
  • Volume: 6.0M
Graph of Bank of America Corp performance.RELATED NEWS
Level 3 Communications Inc (LVLT:US)
Graph of Level 3 Communications Inc performance.Last:1.85 USD
Change Today:+0.065 +3.64%
Macy's Inc (M:US)
  • Last: 28.49 USD
  • Change Today: +2.16 +8.20%
  • Volume: 5.3M
Graph of Macy's Inc performance.RELATED NEWS
Intel Corp (INTC:US)
  • Last: 23.28 USD
  • Change Today: +0.25 +1.09%
  • Volume: 3.8M
Graph of Intel Corp performance.RELATED NEWS
Holcim Deutschland AG (BPC:GR)
Graph of Holcim Deutschland AG performance.Last:30.50 EUR
Change Today:+2.50 +8.93%
Mellanox Technologies Ltd (ZZE:GR)
Graph of Mellanox Technologies Ltd performance.Last:22.35 EUR
Change Today:+1.41 +6.71%
EnBW Energie Baden-Wuerttemberg AG (EBK:GR)
  • Last: 42.69 EUR
  • Change Today: +2.59 +6.46%
  • Volume: 2.0K
Graph of EnBW Energie Baden-Wuerttemberg AG performance.RELATED NEWS
Pilkington Deutschland AG (FDD:GR)
Graph of Pilkington Deutschland AG performance.Last:495.00 EUR
Change Today:+20.00 +4.21%
Freenet AG (FNTN:GR)
  • Last: 9.07 EUR
  • Change Today: +0.366 +4.21%
  • Volume: 1.4M
Graph of Freenet AG performance.RELATED NEWS
B Communications Ltd (4SC:GR)
Graph of B Communications Ltd performance.Last:20.01 EUR
Change Today:-1.60 -7.38%
Banco Comercial Portugues SA (BCP:GR)
  • Last: 0.53 EUR
  • Change Today: -0.04 -7.08%
  • Volume: 100.0
Graph of Banco Comercial Portugues SA performance.RELATED NEWS
Kloeckner & Co SE (KCO:GR)
  • Last: 24.01 EUR
  • Change Today: -1.69 -6.60%
  • Volume: 2.2M
Graph of Kloeckner  & Co SE performance.RELATED NEWS
Symrise AG (SY1:GR)
  • Last: 21.79 EUR
  • Change Today: -0.94 -4.14%
  • Volume: 1.1M
Graph of Symrise AG performance.RELATED NEWS
Lanxess AG (LXS:GR)
Graph of Lanxess AG performance.Last:59.85 EUR
Change Today:-2.45 -3.93%
Deutsche Telekom AG (DTE:GR)
  • Last: 11.27 EUR
  • Change Today: +0.02 +0.18%
  • Volume: 10.9M
Graph of Deutsche Telekom AG performance.RELATED NEWS
Infineon Technologies AG (IFX:GR)
  • Last: 8.13 EUR
  • Change Today: -0.094 -1.14%
  • Volume: 10.5M
Graph of Infineon Technologies AG performance.RELATED NEWS
Deutsche Boerse AG (DB1:GR)
  • Last: 57.18 EUR
  • Change Today: +0.19 +0.33%
  • Volume: 7.9M
Graph of Deutsche Boerse AG performance.RELATED NEWS
Commerzbank AG (CBK:GR)
  • Last: 4.23 EUR
  • Change Today: +0.008 +0.19%
  • Volume: 7.5M
Graph of Commerzbank AG performance.RELATED NEWS
  • Last: 21.54 EUR
  • Change Today: +0.245 +1.15%
  • Volume: 7.5M
Graph of E.ON AG performance.RELATED NEWS
Sansui Electric Co Ltd (6793:JP)
Graph of Sansui Electric Co Ltd performance.Last:2.00 JPY
Change Today:+1.00 +100.00%
D.Western Therapeutics Institute Inc (4576:JP)
Graph of D.Western Therapeutics Institute Inc performance.Last:183.00 JPY
Change Today:+50.00 +37.59%
Nihon Seimitsu Co Ltd (7771:JP)
Graph of Nihon Seimitsu Co Ltd performance.Last:68.00 JPY
Change Today:+17.00 +33.33%
IREP Co Ltd (2132:JP)
Graph of IREP Co Ltd performance.Last:196,800 JPY
Change Today:+40,000 +25.51%
SHINWA-OX Corp (2654:JP)
Graph of SHINWA-OX Corp performance.Last:40.00 JPY
Change Today:+8.00 +25.00%
Stellar Group Co Ltd (8206:JP)
Graph of Stellar Group Co Ltd performance.Last:2.00 JPY
Change Today:-1.00 -33.33%
TESEC Corp (6337:JP)
Graph of TESEC Corp performance.Last:1,067 JPY
Change Today:-280.00 -20.79%
Chuco Co Ltd (2139:JP)
Graph of Chuco Co Ltd performance.Last:115.00 JPY
Change Today:-25.00 -17.86%
Truck-one Co Ltd (3047:JP)
Graph of Truck-one Co Ltd performance.Last:17,640 JPY
Change Today:-3,000.00 -14.53%
Sansha Electric Manufacturing Co Ltd (6882:JP)
Graph of Sansha Electric Manufacturing Co Ltd performance.Last:594.00 JPY
Change Today:-99.00 -14.29%
Tokyo Electric Power Co Inc/The (9501:JP)
  • Last: 525.00 JPY
  • Change Today: +41.00 +8.47%
  • Volume: 105.5M
Graph of Tokyo Electric Power Co Inc/The performance.RELATED NEWS
Mizuho Financial Group Inc (8411:JP)
  • Last: 134.00 JPY
  • Change Today: 0.00 0.00%
  • Volume: 101.9M
Graph of Mizuho Financial Group Inc performance.RELATED NEWS
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc (8306:JP)
  • Last: 397.00 JPY
  • Change Today: -2.00 -0.50%
  • Volume: 62.1M
Graph of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc performance.RELATED NEWS
NEC Corp (6701:JP)
  • Last: 177.00 JPY
  • Change Today: +8.00 +4.73%
  • Volume: 46.0M
Graph of NEC Corp performance.RELATED NEWS
Aiful Corp (8515:JP)
Graph of Aiful Corp performance.Last:117.00 JPY
Change Today:+22.00 +23.16%


Google to Offer Music Service

May 10 (Bloomberg) -- Jane King summarizes the top stories this morning on the Bloomberg Business Report. (Source: Bloomberg) (Source: Bloomberg)



Five Keys to Creating an Uplifting Service Culture

You can unleash superhuman strength in your company's culture by following simple instructions on a safety poster, says consultant Ron Kaufman



Tackling Ethnic Inequality in Sri Lanka

Policymakers must address the economic roots of the conflict between Tamils and the Sinhalese majority, writes columnist Maha Hosain Aziz



A Lively Senate Hearing on Mobile Privacy

Ashkan Soltani joined speakers from Apple, Google, the FTC, and the Justice Dept. in discussing location-tracking and transparency at Senator Al Franken's hearing on digital devices


Small Business

Why Self-Employed Consultants Fail

Common blunders include neglecting to position themselves effectively, mistaking process with problem-solving, and billing by the hour, says Alan Weiss


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