
Last week we released a new version of the Android app, with an addictive new explore screen that pulls from tags. It also includes new profile pages, and radial quick-post controls when you long-hold the compose button!

Love that new idea for the Explore screen — i(Phone) can haz?

Last week we released a new version of the Android app, with an addictive new explore screen that pulls from tags. It also includes new profile pages, and radial quick-post controls when you long-hold the compose button!

Love that new idea for the Explore screen — i(Phone) can haz?

Last week we released a new version of the Android app, with an addictive new explore screen that pulls from tags. It also includes new profile pages, and radial quick-post controls when you long-hold the compose button!

Love that new idea for the Explore screen — i(Phone) can haz?


Last week we released a new version of the Android app, with an addictive new explore screen that pulls from tags. It also includes new profile pages, and radial quick-post controls when you long-hold the compose button!

Love that new idea for the Explore screen — i(Phone) can haz?

(via derekg)


“In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first ‘super’ computer with a hard disk drive. It weighed over a ton and stored 5MB of data.”


“In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first ‘super’ computer with a hard disk drive. It weighed over a ton and stored 5MB of data.”

This looks like such a joy to use. – View on Path.

This looks like such a joy to use. – View on Path.

If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.
Ernest Hemingway (via linse-rose)
On my desk as well.

On my desk as well.

(via soxiam)

vivekpreddy asked: If your wish comes true and T-mobile's way (no phone subsidies) becomes the norm, won't that severely cut into Apple's profits for the iPhone? The Nexus 4, a comparable phone in most regards is literally HALF the price of an iPhone5 without subsidies. Is there any way that Apple (Samsung, HTC and the others as well) won't suffer a huge cut in profits if the unsubsidized plan becomes the norm?

Well if the phone was sold at the full price, profits should be about the same (with the money coming directly from the customers, rather than the carriers). Same is true if it were financed (not sure if T-Mobile would pay that difference to Apple up front, but I assume so).

But you’re right that a move to this non-subsidized model could force prices to come down from that full price. And yes, that could severely cut Apple’s profits were that the case.

If I were an Apple shareholder, this hypothetical would probably worry me. But I’m not, so I’m all for it. The U.S. carriers have held everyone hostage with the subsidies and long, expensive contracts for far too long.

Got tight last night on absinthe. Did knife tricks.
Ernest Hemingway (via strandamalarasia)

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