James Hohmann

James Hohmann

James Hohmann is a national political reporter for POLITICO.

He came from The Washington Post, where he covered public transportation and Loudoun County. Previously he wrote for The Los Angeles Times’ Washington bureau, The Dallas Morning News and The San Jose Mercury News. 

Hohmann regularly offers expert political analysis on television and radio. 

An Honors graduate of Stanford University, Hohmann studied American political history. He served as Editor-in-Chief of The Stanford Daily and wrote an award-winning thesis about the 1976 Republican primaries and the political ascendancy of Ronald Reagan. 

Hohmann grew up in Apple Valley, Minn. He traveled to all 50 states before his 18th birthday. He’s visited nearly 400 congressional districts and set foot inside 48 state capitols.

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James Hohmann Recent Stories

  1. 1
    Labor targets the Midwest

    6/21/12 4:46 AM EDT

  2. 2
    DCCC outraises NRCC in May

    6/19/12 10:13 AM EDT

  3. 3
    NRCC expands ad run in tough races

    6/18/12 11:43 PM EDT

  4. 4
    Conservative activists: Bring it on

    6/17/12 7:01 AM EDT

  5. 5
    Palin: Obama 'pandering'

    6/16/12 12:11 AM EDT

  6. 6
    RGA flexes muscle in Wisconsin

    6/4/12 6:00 AM EDT

  7. 7
    Booker bristles at Bain attacks

    5/20/12 12:02 PM EDT

  8. 8
    Rove: Wright ad proposal was 'stupid'

    5/20/12 11:46 AM EDT

  9. 9
    Ryan: Election winner to determine lame-duck session

    5/20/12 11:30 AM EDT

  10. 10
    Ryan downplays his budget cuts

    5/20/12 11:11 AM EDT