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May 10, 2011

PLAN - Another Part of the Public's Emergency Communications Plan

Posted by: Rachel Racusen, Director of Public Affairs

As we constantly say at FEMA, having an emergency communications plan is one of the most important things people can do to be prepared for disasters. And this morning, Administrator Fugate will join several of our partners in emergency communications at an event in New York City to announce a new tool that will enhance federal, state and local emergency communications plans with the public – the Personal Localized Alerting Network, or more appropriately, PLAN.

PLAN is a technology developed by FEMA that will allow any customers of participating wireless carriers to turn their mobile phones into personal alert systems. What’s new about that? Well a few key things:

  • First, these alerts will be geographically targeted, so people will receive them based on where they are when an emergency hits, as opposed to where they live. This is a much more practical and useful way of getting emergency information, when it matters most.
  • Second, these alerts will be able to get through to phones, no matter how jammed nearby cell towers are.
  • And third, they are completely free of charge and require no sign up. Wireless carriers voluntary choose to participate, and in doing so, provide the technology to new and existing customers. Customers whose phones include the new PLAN technology will have the alerts already activated on their phones, but can opt out of receiving them if they choose to do so.

At 11 a.m. EDT today, Administrator Fugate will join the FCC Chairman, Julius Genachowski, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and the top executives of AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon to announce that this new technology will be ready to go ahead of schedule in New York City and possibly other metro areas – by the end of this year.

It’s an exciting announcement and one that yet again demonstrates that FEMA is just part of the team, along with other federal agencies, the private sector, and many others, most importantly the public. We know there will be a lot of questions today and going forward about how this new technology will work so stay tuned to the blog for important information.

To get started, check out this fact sheet.

Leave a comment below and let us know what you think about PLAN.


  1. Another waste of taxpayer money. There are private companies who do this already and have been for the last 15 years. It's a joke.

  2. Is this CMAS? Or is that a different project?

  3. this is a horrible abuse of power in that you have no right to have unfettered access to my cell phone, which I paid for and own. This is an intrusion into my privacy. You should allow an opt out on ALL of your propaganda.

  4. This is a complete invasion of privacy. You should be able to opt out. Big Brother is watching, why?

  5. @ rdale - yes, PLAN was formerly known as CMAS. Check out our latest blog post on PLAN for a full rundown:

  6. PLAN is actually CMAS, and there are no private companies in the US who do cellular broadcast like CMAS/PLAN for public safety alerts. The technology was developed by the cellular industry over 10 years ago, just never implemented in the US. FEMA didn't develop anything. The system doesn't know anything about the phones it sends alerts to. The only thing FEMA has to do is validate the identity of government officials who try to send messages.

  7. Congress directed development of this system in 2006. The FCC was tagged with developing the rules and technical recommendations - see the FCC page on CMAS for history and details -

  8. Paranoia does not serve anyone. It is the mainstay of terrorist attacks and threats. FEMA's joint PLAN program is a huge step forward. For those of you so concerned about your privacy-- (1) privacy is not at issue here; and (2) you might well save the life of a child or neighbor because you received the alert, in addition to saving your own skin of course.

    Grow up! Join the 21st century! The fact is-- if Big Brother decides you are worth watching, then you probably are. As US citizens we have an obligation to our friends and fellow citizens to pull together and defeat fear and ignorance any way we can.

    Cate Lord, RN/BSN

  9. Nice thing you have going there with PLAN, is it already in effect?


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