Advise the Advisor: Immigration

Read the Blueprint

Advise the Advisor is a new program to help senior staff at the White House stay connected to the American people.

A steady stream of hardworking and talented people who have come to our shores looking for a better life has helped make America the leader of the global economy and a beacon of hope around the world. 

But as we work to strengthen our economy in an increasingly competitive world, our ability to thrive depends, in part, on restoring responsibility and accountability to the immigration system.  Winning the future demands that our economy be built on top of an immigration system that works for our 21st century economic and security needs.

President Obama has outlined the need to fix our broken immigration system so it works for America’s 21st century economy and security needs. We need meaningful immigration reform that demands responsibility and accountability from the government, businesses, and immigrants themselves.

This week, Cecilia Munoz, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs at the White House and one of President Obama’s senior advisors on immigration policy, is asking for feedback about how we can work together to meet the President’s goal of meaningful immigration reform.

You can add your voice to the conversation by answering one or all of the following questions before May 16 at 5 p.m. EDT:

  • How can immigration reform support America’s competitiveness in a 21st century economy?
  • What do you think are the biggest challenges to reforming America's immigration system?
  • What are some ways you can get a discussion going in your communities to encourage a bipartisan debate and move this issue forward?

Past Questions

David Plouffe, Senior Advisor to the President, kicked off the series by asked for your feedback on how American innovation affects your community and the obstacles to innovation you see where you live. Check out David’s video and read his follow up blog post responding to some of the major themes we saw in reading your feedback.

Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, posted the second edition of Advise the Advisor asking for feedback from small businesses about the obstacles they face in getting off the ground. Austan responded to some of your feedback during a live chat at the Winning the Future Forum on Small Business in Cleveland.

Melody Barnes, Director of the Domestic Policy Council and one of President Obama’s senior advisors on education policy, asked for feedback from parents, teachers and students about what’s working in their communities and what needs to change when it comes to education. Watch Melody's video and read her blog post where she details your responses.

Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy and one of President Obama’s senior advisors on energy policy, asked asking for feedback about how we can work together to meet the President’s goal of cutting our imports of oil. Watch Secretary Chu's video and read about his reaction to your responses.

Read the Transcript  |  Download Video: mp4 (448MB) | mp3 (43MB)

Please answer the question(s) below. Please restrict your answers to no more than 2,500 characters.
= Required field

How can immigration reform support America’s competitiveness in a 21st century economy?

What do you think are the biggest challenges to reforming America's immigration system?

What are some ways you can get a discussion going in your communities to encourage a bipartisan debate and move this issue forward?

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This feedback form is intended only for adults and students over the age of 13.