
Boehner draws line in the sand on spending

(Spencer Platt / GETTY IMAGES)

Delivering a sermon on fiscal austerity to a Wall Street crowd clamoring for compromise on the debt limit, Boehner (Ohio) firmly rejected any effort to raise taxes.

2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

Harder discussions in deficit talks are yet to come, Van Hollen says

Negotiators in the White House-led talks on reaching a bipartisan deficit-reduction deal made progress at their second meeting, but they have yet to address the toughest issues, one of the Democratic participants in the negotiations said Tuesday evening.

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Felicia Sonmez

2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

House will not take up bin Laden resolution

The House will not vote on a resolution honoring U.S. troops and the intelligence community on the mission that killed Osama bin Laden, under new rules prohibiting commemorative measures.

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Felicia Sonmez

2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

McConnell: Gang of Six not likely to produce debt-ceiling results

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said that the bipartisan “Gang of Six” is less likely to produce a viable debt-ceiling compromise than congressional leaders and the White House.

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Felicia Sonmez

2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

Hoyer splits with Obama on contractors

The Maryland House member opposes requiring federal contractors to disclose political contributions.

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Felicia Sonmez

2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

Heritage Foundation releases debt-reduction plan

The conservative Heritage Foundation released its proposal for addressing the country’s long-term debt problem Tuesday morning, one day after House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called for trillions of dollars in spending cuts in exchange for lifting the debt ceiling.

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Felicia Sonmez

44 Politics & Policy

Donald Rumsfeld, former U.S. secretary of defense, speaks prior to a television interview in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Monday, Feb. 28, 2011. Rumsfeld said today he is 'disappointed' in how the Obama Administration handled the early stage of the Libya crisis and called on the White House to work with other countries to 'encourage' Muammar Qaddafi's overthrow. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg *** Local Caption *** Donald Rumsfeld

War of words after bin Laden

Sunday Talk Shows | Former and current executive branch officials react to the killing of Osama bin Laden.

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Budgets from Reagan to Obama

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Gingrich is in, but can he win?

Video: Gingrich is in, but can he win?

Newt Gingrich is officially in the 2012 presidential race, but does he have a chance at winning?
NATO strikes topple buildings in Tripoli

NATO strikes topple buildings in Tripoli

Journalists were given an escorted tour of a few damaged buildings in Tripoli early Tuesday, after the heaviest NATO bombardment in weeks hit the Libyan capital. (May 10)
Pakistan will allow bin Laden wives to be questioned

Pakistan will allow bin Laden wives to be questioned

Pakistan has informed the U.S. that it will allow direct access to Osama bin Laden's widows. CBS News correspondent Elizabeth Palmer reports Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Gilani denied repeated allegations that top officials knew where he was hiding.
$2 billion for rail projects, speed upgrades announced

$2 billion for rail projects, speed upgrades announced

Amtrak and rail projects in 15 states are being awarded the $2 billion that Florida lost after the governor cancelled plans for high-speed train service. (May 9)
Carney: Pakistan relationship is 'complicated'

Carney: Pakistan relationship is 'complicated'

White House press secretary Jay Carney said Monday that the United States' relationship with Pakistan is both important and complicated in the aftermath of the U.S led raid that killed Osama bin Laden. (May 9)
Obama on bin Laden raid: 'Longest 40 minutes of my life'

Obama on bin Laden raid: 'Longest 40 minutes of my life'

In his first and only interview since the death of Osama bin Laden, President Obama tells "60 Minutes" correspondent Steve Kroft about the mission that led to the killing of the al Qaeda leader.
The Fast Fix- President Daniels?

The Fast Fix- President Daniels?

Could Mitch Daniels be a serious contender in 2012?
Obama: Bin Laden support network somewhere in Pakistan

Obama: Bin Laden support network somewhere in Pakistan

President Obama discussed the chances of an Osama bin Laden support network within Pakistan. (May 8)
Rumsfeld: Enhanced interrogation aided in finding bin Laden

Rumsfeld: Enhanced interrogation aided in finding bin Laden

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld spoke about the efforts that lead to the killing of Osama bin Laden, citing the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques" on terror suspects likely produced "a major fraction" of U.S. knowledge on al-Qaeda.
Kerry: Bin Laden killing a reset button on Pakistan

Kerry: Bin Laden killing a reset button on Pakistan

Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), chairman of the foreign relations committee, spoke with Bob Schieffer on how Osama bin Laden's death will affect the U.S. relations with Pakistan. (May 8)
Pentagon releases bin Laden tapes

Pentagon releases bin Laden tapes

The Pentagon released several videos of Osama bin Laden found in his hideout, including one of bin Laden watching himself on the news. (May 7)
GOP address: Osama bin Laden

GOP address: Osama bin Laden

Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown praised years of diligent work by the military and intelligence professionals to pinpoint Osama bin Laden's location. His death, Brown said, sends a clear message to others like bin Laden. (May 7)
Behind the scenes at the White House after bin Laden killed

Behind the scenes at the White House after bin Laden killed

In this clip from, President Obama is seen congratulating CIA Director Leon Panetta immediately after the death of Osama bin Laden. Vice President Biden is also seen on the phone in what the White House says is a call to either President Bush or President Clinton.