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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses the danger of reptiles and amphibians carrying and spreading <i>Salmonella</i> and how to prevent infection.  

Don't Kiss a Frog!

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses the danger of reptiles and amphibians carrying and spreading Salmonella and how to prevent infection.  Created: 8/4/2009 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 8/4/2009.

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Este podcast de Kidtastics habla del peligro que representan los reptiles y anfibios de transmitir Salmonella y cómo prevenir una infección.  

¡No beses al sapo! (Don't Kiss a Frog!)

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Este podcast de Kidtastics habla del peligro que representan los reptiles y anfibios de transmitir Salmonella y cómo prevenir una infección.  Created: 8/4/2009 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 4/1/2010.

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses how people can get Salmonella from water frogs and aquariums.  

Water Frogs, Aquariums, and Salmonella -- Oh My!

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses how people can get Salmonella from water frogs and aquariums.  Created: 12/9/2009 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 12/9/2009.

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Approximately 74,000 cases of salmonella each year are caused by contact with reptiles and amphibians. This podcast details symptoms of salmonella, and encourages practicing basic hygiene to decrease chances of infection, as well as keeping animals such as turtles and frogs out of the homes of children under the age of five.

Wash Away Salmonella (A Minute of Health with CDC)

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Approximately 74,000 cases of salmonella each year are caused by contact with reptiles and amphibians. This podcast details symptoms of salmonella, and encourages practicing basic hygiene to decrease chances of infection, as well as keeping animals such as turtles and frogs out of the homes of children under the age of five. .  Created: 1/21/2010 by MMWR.   Date Released: 1/21/2010.

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Salmonella is a common infection that’s usually caused by eating raw or undercooked foods. However, approximately 74,000 cases each year are caused by persons having close contact with certain types of reptiles or amphibians. In this podcast, Dr. Linda Capewell discusses ways to prevent becoming infected with salmonella.   

Wash Away Salmonella (A Cup of Health with CDC)

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Salmonella is a common infection that’s usually caused by eating raw or undercooked foods. However, approximately 74,000 cases each year are caused by persons having close contact with certain types of reptiles or amphibians. In this podcast, Dr. Linda Capewell discusses ways to prevent becoming infected with salmonella.  Created: 1/21/2010 by MMWR.   Date Released: 1/21/2010.

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This podcast is based on the May, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Children and adults can have asthma and attacks can be frightening. To help control asthma, know the warning signs of an attack, stay away from asthma triggers, and follow your health care provider's advice.  

Asthma – What You Need to Know

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This podcast is based on the May, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Children and adults can have asthma and attacks can be frightening. To help control asthma, know the warning signs of an attack, stay away from asthma triggers, and follow your health care provider's advice.  Created: 5/3/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 5/3/2011.

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This 60 second Public Service Announcement (PSA) is based on the May, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Children and adults can have asthma and attacks can be frightening. To help control asthma, know the warning signs of an attack, stay away from asthma triggers, and follow your health care provider's advice.  

Asthma – What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

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This 60 second Public Service Announcement (PSA) is based on the May, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Children and adults can have asthma and attacks can be frightening. To help control asthma, know the warning signs of an attack, stay away from asthma triggers, and follow your health care provider's advice.  Created: 5/3/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 5/3/2011.

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This podcast discusses a study about the transmission of Human Metapneumovirus Infection to wild mountain gorillas in Rwanda in 2009, published in the April 2011 issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases. Dr. Ian Lipkin, Director of the Center for Infection and Immunity and Dr. Gustavo Palacios, investigator in the Center of Infection & Immunity share details of this study.  

Human Infection in Wild Mountain Gorillas

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This podcast discusses a study about the transmission of Human Metapneumovirus Infection to wild mountain gorillas in Rwanda in 2009, published in the April 2011 issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases. Dr. Ian Lipkin, Director of the Center for Infection and Immunity and Dr. Gustavo Palacios, investigator in the Center of Infection & Immunity share details of this study.  Created: 4/25/2011 by National Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 5/2/2011.

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This podcast answers a listener's question about the risks associated with mold after a natural disaster or severe weather.  


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This podcast answers a listener's question about the risks associated with mold after a natural disaster or severe weather.  Created: 5/2/2011 by National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH).   Date Released: 5/2/2011.

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This podcast answers a listener's question about how to tell if she has breast cancer.  

Breast Cancer – Early Diagnosis

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This podcast answers a listener's question about how to tell if she has breast cancer.  Created: 4/28/2011 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 4/28/2011.

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This podcast discusses emerging vector-borne pathogens, their role as prominent contributors to emerging infectious diseases, how they're spread, and the ineffectiveness of mosquito control methods.  

Vector-borne Infections

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This podcast discusses emerging vector-borne pathogens, their role as prominent contributors to emerging infectious diseases, how they're spread, and the ineffectiveness of mosquito control methods.  Created: 4/18/2011 by National Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 4/27/2011.

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This podcast is a song about a major epizoodemic of a serious human and equine disease written and performed by the MARU Health Angels Band. Band members: K.M. Johnson, T.E. Walton (Retired); D.F. Antczak (Cornell University); W.H. Dietz (CDC); and D.H. Martin (Louisiana State University Health Science Center).  

Crab Hole Mosquito Blues — The Song

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This podcast is a song about a major epizoodemic of a serious human and equine disease written and performed by the MARU Health Angels Band. Band members: K.M. Johnson, T.E. Walton (Retired); D.F. Antczak (Cornell University); W.H. Dietz (CDC); and D.H. Martin (Louisiana State University Health Science Center).  Created: 4/26/2011 by National Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 4/26/2011.

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In this podcast, CDC Tracking experts discuss modeled air data.
Do you have a question for our Tracking experts? Please e-mail questions to  

Tracks FAQs: What is Modeled Air Data?

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In this podcast, CDC Tracking experts discuss modeled air data. Do you have a question for our Tracking experts? Please e-mail questions to  Created: 4/25/2011 by National Center for Environmental Health, Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects, Environmental Health Tracking Branch.   Date Released: 4/25/2011.

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This video presents information about salt as a major contributor to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.  

Salt Matters: Preserving Choice, Protecting Health (Long Version)

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This video presents information about salt as a major contributor to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.  Created: 2/1/2011 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP), Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP).   Date Released: 4/20/2011.

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Approximately 50 million adults have arthritis and more than 72 million are obese. This podcast discusses how being obese can negatively affect arthritis, and talks about how eating a healthy diet, exercising, and losing weight can help sufferers shape up and feel better.    

Go Light on the Joints (A Minute of Health with CDC)

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Approximately 50 million adults have arthritis and more than 72 million are obese. This podcast discusses how being obese can negatively affect arthritis, and talks about how eating a healthy diet, exercising, and losing weight can help sufferers shape up and feel better.  Created: 5/5/2011 by MMWR.   Date Released: 5/5/2011.

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It’s the perfect public health storm. Obesity, arthritis, and physical inactivity have combined to create a major problem among the aging US population. In this podcast, Dr. Jennifer Hootman discusses the impact of obesity on arthritis.    

Go Light on the Joints (A Cup of Health with CDC)

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It’s the perfect public health storm. Obesity, arthritis, and physical inactivity have combined to create a major problem among the aging US population. In this podcast, Dr. Jennifer Hootman discusses the impact of obesity on arthritis.  Created: 5/5/2011 by MMWR.   Date Released: 5/5/2011.

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  Page last modified July 31, 2009

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