National Institutes of Health · U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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The mission of the NIEHS is to reduce the burden of human illness and disability by understanding how the environment influences the development and progression of human disease.
  • Miss the Live at SOT2011 coverage of the Society of Toxicology conference? All the posts, videos, and pictures are still online!
  • To recognize the significance of the 50th anniversary of the Society of Toxicology (SOT), NIEHS, NTP, and SOT have created this website to highlight the "Benchmarks in Toxicology." From Paracelsus' declaration that "the dose makes the poison" to high throughput assays, many people, discoveries and events have shaped the modern field of toxicology.
  • Replication Infidelity via a Mismatch with Watson-Crick Geometry [Abstract] Exit NIEHS [Synopsis] [Story] Bebenek K, Pedersen LC, Kunkel TA. February 2011
  • Genetic Variation in the Glutathione Synthesis Pathway, Air Pollution, and Children's Lung Function Growth [Abstract] Exit NIEHS [Synopsis] Breton CV, Salam MT, Vora H, Gauderman WJ, Gilliland FD. January 2011
GuLF Study. Photo of workers performing tests.
Get Involved: NIEHS Strategic Plan
Map of Japan. Earthquake Responders.
NIEHS Newsletter for March
EHP: March 2011: Nanoparticles in Consumer Products