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Women's Health Policy
Women and Health Reform
The Foundation has an issue brief and video tutorial that examine the implications of the new health reform law for women and their health and health care. Another brief looks at Access to Abortion Coverage and Health Reform. And a side-by-side compares new legislation on federal financing of abortion and reproductive health services to current law and provisions in the health reform law.

Women's Health Care: Chartbook and Disparities Resources
The Women's Health Care Chartbook, based on a national survey of women ages 18 to 64, includes data on insurance coverage, affordability of and access to care, use of health care services, prevention and family health. Another package of resources provides a rare state-level look at disparities among women of different races and ethnicities on a broad range of indicators of health and well-being.

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Women's Health Care Chartbook: Key Findings From the Kaiser Women's Health Survey -- May 2011
This chartbook presents findings from a national survey of women ages 18 to 64 conducted in 2008, including data on insurance coverage, affordability of and access to care, use of health care services, prevention, and family health.
Summary of New Health Reform Law -- April 2011
This summary reflects provisions of the comprehensive health reform legislation, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, signed into law in March 2010, as changed by subsequent legislation.
Fact Sheet: Women and HIV/AIDS in the United States  -- March 2011
This updated fact sheet highlights the impact of HIV/AIDS on women in the United States, providing current data and trends over time
Side-By-Side Looks at Legislation on Federal Financing of Abortion and Reproductive Health Services -- March 2011
This side-by-side document summarizes the major pieces of legislation that have been introduced in the 112th Congress that address how federal funds can be used with regard to abortion coverage and family planning services.
KaiserEDU.org Tutorial: A Global Perspective on Women’s Health -- February 2011 Video/Audio
This kaiserEDU tutorial examines some of the major health issues that women around the world face over the course of their lives.
Fact Sheet: Sexual Health of Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States -- January 2011
This fact sheet covers a broad range of sexual health topics facing teens in the United States.
KaiserEDU.org Tutorial: Health Reform: Impact on Women's Health Coverage and Access to Care -- December 2010 Video/Audio
This kaiserEDU.org tutorial reviews how the Affordable Care Act is expected to affect access to care and affordability of health coverage for women.
Women's Health Insurance Coverage: Fact Sheet -- December 2010
This fact sheet provides updated statistics on health coverage and describes the major sources of health insurance for non-elderly adult women ages 18–64, including employer-sponsored coverage, Medicaid, individually purchased insurance, and Medicare. It also provides data on the more than 19 million women who are uninsured, and summarizes the major implications of the health reform law for women and their health coverage.
Health Insurance Coverage of Women Ages 18 to 64, by State, 2008-2009 -- December 2010
This fact sheet provides state-by-state data on the uninsured rate, as well as rates of private insurance coverage and Medicaid coverage, among women nationally, in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Health Reform: Implications for Women's Access to Coverage and Care -- December 2010
This issue brief reviews how the Affordable Care Act is expected to affect access to care and affordability of health coverage for women. It also explains the provisions in the new law related to preventive screening services, reproductive health, maternity care and women on Medicare.  The brief also includes national and state-level estimates of the percentage of uninsured women ages 18-64 who are likely to qualify for federal help under the law and a summary of key coverage and benefits provisions in the law that affect women.
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Women's Health Policy
Women are major consumers of health care services, negotiating not only their own complex health care but often managing care for their family members as well. Their reproductive health needs as well as their greater rates of health problems and longer life spans compared with men make women’s relationships with the health care system complex. Women are also more likely to be low-income and often face the added challenge of balancing work with family health and caregiving responsibilities. For the one in five women who are uninsured, access to high quality, comprehensive care is even more difficult.

Women have a vested interest in the scope and type of services offered by the health care system, as well as in the mechanisms that fund their health care services. Because their access to care is influenced by a broad range of factors, analysis of women’s health policy cuts across many sectors of the health care financing and delivery system, including reproductive health policy, reforms to publicly-financed health programs, as well as private sector efforts to contain costs and improve health. Women comprise the majority of beneficiaries in publicly –funded programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and welfare, making them key stakeholders in public policy debates about the impact of reforms to these programs. Because of their lower incomes, affordability and cost of care are critical issues for women.

The Foundation aims to provide policymakers, journalists, advocates, and public health practitioners with current analysis on the policies in health financing and delivery that affect women. The particular challenges faced by women at risk for experiencing access barriers, such as those on Medicaid, those who are uninsured, and racial and ethnic minorities, are a special focus. Primary activities include conducting periodic surveys on women's interactions with the health care system, monitoring reforms under consideration in Washington and state capitols across the country, conducting research to document the impact of policies and to identify emerging priority areas for women, as well as briefing policymakers and their staff on key trends and issues to inform current policy debates.




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