Federal Government

New venue for emergency alerts

Federal officials and leaders of the nation’s largest wireless telephone companies are set to announce Tuesday that they’re launching a new mobile telephone emergency alert system ahead of schedule in Washington and New York.

The Federal Eye by Ed O'Keefe

Navy revokes guidance on same-sex marriages

But the Defense Department may still eventually permit gay troops to use military chapels for same-sex wedding after “don’t ask, don’t tell” ends.

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Ed O'Keefe

The Federal Eye by Ed O'Keefe

Postal Service loses $2.2 billion in second quarter

The U.S. Postal Service reported $2.2 billion in losses during its second quarter, continuing several quarters of historic losses amid declining mail volume and financial obligations to prefund worker retirement benefits.

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Ed O'Keefe

The Federal Eye by Ed O'Keefe

Crews build a better Reflecting Pool (Video)

The Washington Post’s Michael Ruane visits the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool as it is being completely overhauled.

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Ed O'Keefe

The Federal Eye by Ed O'Keefe

Salaries of top Postal Service executives revealed

A new database reveals the earnings of top USPS executives and regional officials.

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Ed O'Keefe

The Federal Eye by Ed O'Keefe

Physical center of the U.S. population moves West

File this story under the heading: “Why on Earth does the government bother to do this?”

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Ed O'Keefe

Federal Diary

Tell it to the taxpayers

Rep. Tom Marino introduces a bill to freeze federal hiring until the deficit is eliminated. Next, he and other politicians should be upfront about a freeze’s real-life effects.

Closing the federal gender pay gap

Closing the federal gender pay gap

When it comes to equal pay for equal work, the federal government is significantly closer to that goal than the nation as a whole.

Open season ... for rage over insurance premiums?

The Office of Personnel Management is hoping it can get through an insurance open registration while keeping everyone happy.

In the Loop

HANDOUT PHOTO: One of the 'I believe in HUD' items for sale at CafePress.com. (Courtesy of CafePress.com)

A somebody-done-somebody-wrong suit

Al Kamen’s In the Loop column, on a sweeping lawsuit by former special counsel Scott Bloch and some nifty HUD-logo merchandise.

U.S. President Barack Obama departs after making a televised statement at the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Monday, May 1, 2011. Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has been killed in a U.S. operation, Obama said. Photographer: Brendan Smialowski/Pool via Bloomberg *** Local Caption *** Barack Obama

Important moments in U.S. history

In the Loop | Al Kamen’s In the Loop column on Condoleezza Rice’s contention that her former boss was front and center at what may have been No. 1.

In the Loop: Rice praises Bush for Osama

Al Kamen’s In the Loop column reports on former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s take on who gets credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden

The Influence Industry

Poker lobby pushes for legalization

Poker lobby pushes for legalization

The Influence Industry | Poker lobby pushes for legalization in the wake of indictments.

Firms want tax break in exchange for bringing money back to U.S.

Firms want tax break in exchange for bringing money back to U.S.

The Influence Industry | As Washington grapples with how to lower the deficit, powerful corporations have a seemingly tantalizing offer: Give us a big tax break and we’ll give you $50 billion or more in fresh revenue.

New lawmakers play old money game

New lawmakers play old money game

The Influence Industry | Many Republican freshmen report tens of thousands in donations from corporate PACs.

In Session

Clyburn leadership role ‘a work in progress’

Clyburn leadership role ‘a work in progress’

Seven months after the post of assistant Democratic leader was created for him, Rep. James Clyburn is still defining the contours of his new job.

Hacking away at health care

Hacking away at health care

In Session | House Republicans continue their months-long quest to defund Obama’s health-care plan.

No win-win on deal?

No win-win on deal?

In Session | Leaders on both the right and left are still digesting the spending agreement reached to avert a government shutdown Friday night, but conservatives sound happier than liberals.

The High Court

Jerusalem boy wants to re-write passport

Jerusalem boy wants to re-write passport

The High Court | Over the objection of the Obama administration, the Supreme Court last week agreed to review the long-running dispute over an 8-year old boy’s passport. The slim petition filed by veteran Supreme Court practitioner Nathan Lewin manages to pack in a trove of constitutional questions for argument next fall.

Technology vs. privacy protections

Technology vs. privacy protections

The High Court | The Obama administration wants overturn a federal appeals court decision last year that said police must get a warrant before they begin a long-term surveillance using a global positioning device attached to the suspect’s car.

The Supreme Court and Guantanamo Bay

The Supreme Court and Guantanamo Bay

The High Court | There is a renewed debate about the meaning of Boumediene v. Bush.

Fine Print

What new plans await in Afghanistan?

Over the past six years U.S. contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan have provided a guide to activity on the ground — and may contain clues about what happens in a post-bin Laden future.

A new approach for Afghanistan

A new approach for Afghanistan

Fine Print | The time has come for the United States and its coalition partners to recognize that Afghanistan has never been centrally governed and begin to focus on a sustainable result that requires a political settlement involving all the internal tribes.

The Federal Coach

Getting answers from your leaders

Secretaries Kathleen Sebelius, Shaun Donovan and Ray LaHood, as well as GSA Administrator Martha Johnson and OPM Director John Berry, take questions from fed workers about agency climate, succession planning and flexible work options.

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Featured Opinion Writer

Federal Faces

HANDOUT PHOTO: Tuesday, May 3 Fed Faces/Fed Player of the Week, VA’s Alfonso Batres. (Courtesy of Department of Veterans Affairs)

Federal Player of the Week: Delivering services that help combat vets rebuild their lives

Alfonso Batres’ life has been dedicated to one important mission—addressing the needs of our nation’s veterans and their families.

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What President Obama's immigration speech tells us about 2012 http://wapo.st/ikYw5H


Jon Huntsman staffs up http://wapo.st/mS8kge #2012 #campaign2012


What Alan Simpson doesn't know about Social Security http://wapo.st/mM7sWc

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"Too soon" or "as it should be?" #BinLaden death now part of #Obama's re-elect message. http://lat.ms/myhwaZ #campaign2012


Jon Huntsman staffs up http://wapo.st/mS8kge #2012 #campaign2012


YOU'RE FIRED: Trump Tanks in #GOP Poll http://bit.ly/lePGiT #Campaign2012

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Memphis from the window of my AA flight from TX to DC early Tues AM. "Pyramid" is in center of pic http://yfrog.com/gyfbckqj


Photo Of The Day - Governor Abercrombie supporting designers and the fashion arts, looks at Aloha shirts. http://ow.ly/4RO6z


Governor Abercrombie and Designer Amos Kotomori at "Search For The Best Aloha Shirt Design" Announcement http://ow.ly/4RNVi

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Federal Worker Question of the Week

How would you rate security in your workplace? Is there more to be done about security at federal buildings in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s killing?

Please e-mail your answer to federalworker@washpost.com and include your full name, home town and the agency for which you work. We might include your response in Friday’s Washington Post. When answers are particularly sensitive, we will consider a respondent’s request to withhold full identification.


Washington Post Editors

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Gingrich is in, but can he win?

Video: Gingrich is in, but can he win?

Newt Gingrich is officially in the 2012 presidential race, but does he have a chance at winning?
NATO strikes topple buildings in Tripoli

NATO strikes topple buildings in Tripoli

Journalists were given an escorted tour of a few damaged buildings in Tripoli early Tuesday, after the heaviest NATO bombardment in weeks hit the Libyan capital. (May 10)
Pakistan will allow bin Laden wives to be questioned

Pakistan will allow bin Laden wives to be questioned

Pakistan has informed the U.S. that it will allow direct access to Osama bin Laden's widows. CBS News correspondent Elizabeth Palmer reports Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Gilani denied repeated allegations that top officials knew where he was hiding.
$2 billion for rail projects, speed upgrades announced

$2 billion for rail projects, speed upgrades announced

Amtrak and rail projects in 15 states are being awarded the $2 billion that Florida lost after the governor cancelled plans for high-speed train service. (May 9)
Carney: Pakistan relationship is 'complicated'

Carney: Pakistan relationship is 'complicated'

White House press secretary Jay Carney said Monday that the United States' relationship with Pakistan is both important and complicated in the aftermath of the U.S led raid that killed Osama bin Laden. (May 9)
Obama on bin Laden raid: 'Longest 40 minutes of my life'

Obama on bin Laden raid: 'Longest 40 minutes of my life'

In his first and only interview since the death of Osama bin Laden, President Obama tells "60 Minutes" correspondent Steve Kroft about the mission that led to the killing of the al Qaeda leader.
The Fast Fix- President Daniels?

The Fast Fix- President Daniels?

Could Mitch Daniels be a serious contender in 2012?
Obama: Bin Laden support network somewhere in Pakistan

Obama: Bin Laden support network somewhere in Pakistan

President Obama discussed the chances of an Osama bin Laden support network within Pakistan. (May 8)
Rumsfeld: Enhanced interrogation aided in finding bin Laden

Rumsfeld: Enhanced interrogation aided in finding bin Laden

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld spoke about the efforts that lead to the killing of Osama bin Laden, citing the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques" on terror suspects likely produced "a major fraction" of U.S. knowledge on al-Qaeda.
Kerry: Bin Laden killing a reset button on Pakistan

Kerry: Bin Laden killing a reset button on Pakistan

Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), chairman of the foreign relations committee, spoke with Bob Schieffer on how Osama bin Laden's death will affect the U.S. relations with Pakistan. (May 8)
Pentagon releases bin Laden tapes

Pentagon releases bin Laden tapes

The Pentagon released several videos of Osama bin Laden found in his hideout, including one of bin Laden watching himself on the news. (May 7)
GOP address: Osama bin Laden

GOP address: Osama bin Laden

Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown praised years of diligent work by the military and intelligence professionals to pinpoint Osama bin Laden's location. His death, Brown said, sends a clear message to others like bin Laden. (May 7)
Behind the scenes at the White House after bin Laden killed

Behind the scenes at the White House after bin Laden killed

In this clip from WhiteHouse.gov, President Obama is seen congratulating CIA Director Leon Panetta immediately after the death of Osama bin Laden. Vice President Biden is also seen on the phone in what the White House says is a call to either President Bush or President Clinton.