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Health Coverage & the Uninsured: Profile of the Uninsured
Updated: The Uninsured and the Difference Health Insurance Makes
This fact sheet describes the characteristics of the uninsured population, the difference that health insurance makes and why there is a large uninsured population
Characteristics of the Uninsured: Who is Eligible for Public Coverage and Who Needs Help Affording Coverage?
This issue brief analyzes health coverage data and determines that 25% of the nation's uninsured population is eligible for either Medicaid or SCHIP. The brief goes on to describe the characteristics of the uninsured population.
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A Profile of Health Insurance Exchange Enrollees -- March 2011
This report provides a demographic profile of those individuals expected to gain health insurance through the exchanges in 2014 under health reform.
The Uninsured: A Primer -- December 2010 KCMU Material
This primer, updated with 2009 data, reviews the basic profile of the uninsured population, how they receive care, the latest trends in health insurance coverage, and how this population may be affected by health reform.
Women's Health Insurance Coverage: Fact Sheet -- December 2010
This fact sheet provides updated statistics on health coverage and describes the major sources of health insurance for non-elderly adult women ages 18–64, including employer-sponsored coverage, Medicaid, individually purchased insurance, and Medicare. It also provides data on the more than 19 million women who are uninsured, and summarizes the major implications of the health reform law for women and their health coverage.
Health Insurance Coverage of Women Ages 18 to 64, by State, 2008-2009 -- December 2010
This fact sheet provides state-by-state data on the uninsured rate, as well as rates of private insurance coverage and Medicaid coverage, among women nationally, in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
The 2007-2009 Recession And Health Insurance Coverage -- December 2010
This study examines changes in health insurance coverage over the last decade, with a focus on the relationship between the loss of employment and declining incomes during the recent severe recession and the growth in the number of uninsured Americans to 50 million in 2009.
The Uninsured And The Difference Health Insurance Makes -- September 2010 KCMU Material
This fact sheet describes the characteristics of the uninsured population, the difference health insurance makes, and why there is a large uninsured population.
Five Basic Facts on the Uninsured -- September 2010 KCMU Material
This issue brief provides basic facts that explain why so many people in America lack health coverage and how being uninsured affects their health and financial security.
Uninsured and Untreated: A Look at Uninsured Adults Who Received No Medical Care for Two Years -- July 2010 KCMU Material
This brief profiles uninsured adults with incomes at or below 133 percent of the poverty level who, because of health reform, will be eligible for Medicaid in 2014 based on income. It focuses on those who received no medical care over a two-year period to help assess unmet need.
How Will Health Reform Impact Young Adults? -- May 2010 KCMU Material
This paper  explains key provisions in the new law and their impact on young adults, and provides a brief overview of current health coverage for this population.
Expanding Medicaid under Health Reform:  A Look at Adults at or below 133% of Poverty -- April 2010 KCMU Material
This brief provides data on the key characteristics of the 17.1 million low-income uninsured adults who currently have incomes that would qualify them for Medicaid under the expansion of the program in health reform. These adults comprise 37 percent of all the uninsured in the United States.
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Health Coverage & the Uninsured: Profile of the Uninsured
The demographics of the uninsured have not changed substantially over time. Today over 70 percent of the 41 million uninsured Americans come from families where there is at least one full-time worker. Two-thirds of all the uninsured come from low-income families (with incomes less than 200% of the federal poverty level) and about half of these are children or their parents. Adults make up a disproportionate share of the uninsured representing over three-quarters of the uninsured. About 40% of the uninsured report that their health is not very good (i.e., either good, fair, or poor health) compared to 25% of those with private health insurance.

While these demographics are compelling, they have not been sufficient to effect large- scale health reforms. However, the “personal profile” – where we learn what it means to an individual facing a health problem without the financial security of insurance – may be equally useful in understanding the magnitude of the problem for families, communities, and the nation at large. 


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