National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation
National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation
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NIJ released data from the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI) Multi-site Impact Evaluation. This data, collected from 2,391 former offenders from 2004-2007, will allow for continued analysis of reentry issues.

Access to the SVORI data are restricted to users who have completed an application for use.

Learn more and apply for access to the data Exit Notice.

NIJ's new Research Report Digest will keep you informed of all our final grant reports and supplements information that is published in the NIJ Journal and on our website.

Review Issue 1, April 2011, which includes descriptions of and links to reports based on NIJ-funded research that were added to the NCJRS Abstracts Database from July-Sept. 2010

Gyroplanes resemble a helicopter but uses an engine on the rear of the aircraft to create forward thrust.

NIJ is offering a hands-on look at low-cost aviation technologies. This year we'll be focusing on gyroplanes as a cost-effective solution for law enforcement.

When: June 9, 2011, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Where: Bay Bridge Airport, 202 Airport Road, Stevensville, Md.

More information and details on attending the demonstration.

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2011 NIJ Conferences — Come Join Us!

Cover of the HOPE Solicitation linking to a description of the funding opportunity.

Funding Available to Replicate & Evaluate Hawaii HOPE

The Bureau of Justice Assistance and NIJ have released two solicitations to fund up to four demonstrations sites and one evaluation of a replication of Hawaii’s Opportunity Probation with Enforcement program (HOPE).

Learn more about the funding.

Learn more about the Hawaii HOPE Program.

The NIJ Conference 2011, June 20-22, Arlington, VA

NIJ Conference
June 20-22, 2011

Panel Update! Translating Science: A Town Hall on the Challenges — The leaders of federal science agencies want their scientific discoveries to shape policy and practice.