
In political unrest, a cultural quell

(John Moore / GETTY IMAGES)

One cherished part of Bahrain’s image has taken a hard hit in the wake of the Arab Spring uprisings — its reputation for promoting arts and culture.


Carolyn Hax

 Carolyn Hax

Different rules for different kids

One of these years, our kid will ask why his cousins get to do and eat whatever they want, while he doesn’t.

More Carolyn Hax

Washington Post Magazine

Who is Bradley Manning?

Who is Bradley Manning?

How did a young man of such promise wind up in a brig? And how was he in a position to potentially access sensitive material given what the Army knew — or should have known — about him?

Lifestyle Videos

Schwarzenegger, Shriver separating

Video: Schwarzenegger, Shriver separating

Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife of 25 years, Maria Shriver, announced Monday that they are separating. (May 10)
Schwarzenegger, Shriver separating

Schwarzenegger, Shriver separating

Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife of 25 years, Maria Shriver, announced Monday that they are separating. (May 10)
Buckingham Palace flash mob

Buckingham Palace flash mob

Tourists outside Buckingham Palace were treated to a mass dance routine on Monday in honor of the recent royal wedding. (May 10)
Ann Curry to replace Meredith Vieira on NBC's 'Today'

Ann Curry to replace Meredith Vieira on NBC's 'Today'

Meredith Vieira announced that she will be stepping down from her co-anchor post on NBC's "Today" in June. Newsreader Ann Curry has been named her successor. (May 9)


Washington just before the Civil War

May 1861 was an exciting time to be alive, and the Washington area was an exciting — and sometimes scary — place to live. The Civil War’s first major battle was still two months away, but a lot was going on. Let’s look back 150 years for a kids’-eye view of what was happening.

HANDOUT ART FOR KIDSPOST 5.8.11 Tillman the dog skateboards

Take your pooch to the ballpark

On May 14 National Park will be going to the dogs, welcoming four-legged as well as two-legged fans with “Pups in the Park.”

Impress Mom on her day

Mother’s Day has been around as a holiday since 1914 when Anna Jarvis succeeded in getting Congress to designate the second Sunday in May as a day honoring moms. Here are some other “mom facts” that you can use to amaze mom over the breakfast table.

KidsPost 5.8.11 Wonder: Girl smiling in the airplane

Why do your ears hurt when you fly?

The pain you feel in your ear is the result of the anatomy of the ear. Read on to find out how and why swallowing really does help.

handout for kidspost 5.8.2011: The little boy in the red is Anthony Denoyior. Next to him is Michael Bloom with his sister Kaylin

Recipe for fun

Cooking is surging in popularity with kids thanks to the growing interest in healthier eating and the rise of cooking shows. These local kids are cooking up some fun for themselves and their families.

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