Obama’s belated immigration push

(Matt York / AP)

Wonkbook | It’s hard to imagine this Congress, at this moment, turning its attention towards a sober and successful discussion of immigration reform. The administration knows that, and so the president’s speech will call for more outside pressure to force Congress to act.

The Fix by Chris Cillizza

The debt debate: Keep your eye on these senators

The debt debate: Keep your eye on these senators

The Morning Fix | President Obama will meet with Senate Democrats Wednesday to talk about the coming debate over raising the debt limit. Here are five Democrats to keep an eye on in that debate.

The Take by Dan Balz

Huntsman’s difficult political pivot

Huntsman’s difficult political pivot

THE TAKE | He is considering unseating the man who tapped him as ambassador to China.

2chambers by Felicia Sonmez

Harder discussions in deficit talks are yet to come, Van Hollen says

Negotiators in the White House-led talks on reaching a bipartisan deficit-reduction deal made progress at their second meeting, but they have yet to address the toughest issues, one of the Democratic participants in the negotiations said Tuesday evening.

44: Politics & Policy

Campaign 2012: The bin Laden factor

Campaign 2012: The bin Laden factor

West Wing Briefing | In his first 2012 campaign appearances in almost two weeks, President Obama added a new item to a long list of what he views as major accomplishments of his tenure: killing Osama bin Laden.

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 Ezra Klein

Wonkbook: Boehner's debt-limit demands would increase the deficit

John Boehner's new line on the deficit negotiations is that raising taxes -- by which he appears to also mean closing tax expenditures — "is off the table. But everything else is on the table."

Ezra Klein

 Ezra Klein


Ezra Klein

 Ezra Klein

Obama’s argument for immigration reform

It’s the economy. It’s always the economy.

The Federal Eye

 Ed O'Keefe

Need to recharge your car? Try Capitol Hill.

A bill may soon make it possible to recharge hybrid vehicles on the Senate side of the U.S. Capitol.

The Plum Line

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Happy Hour Roundup

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Muslims fighting against radical jihadists

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The Fix

The debt debate: Keep your eye on these senators

The Morning Fix | President Obama will meet with Senate Democrats Wednesday to talk about the coming debate over raising the debt limit. Here are five Democrats to keep an eye on in that debate.

The Fix

 Chris Cillizza

Afternoon Fix: Jon Huntsman staffs up

Jon Huntsman is staffing up, Mitch Daniels thinks he can beat Obama, the DCCC is going up with ads in New York and Rand Paul wants to know if the president has an “enemies list.”

The Fix

 Chris Cillizza

What President Obama’s immigration speech tells us about 2012

How President Obama’s speech on immigration in Texas is indicative of the broader themes¥ of his reelection campaign.

The Fact Checker

 Glenn Kessler

Boasting about border security

President Obama, and especially his spokesman, bragged about hiring border agents that was mostly the doing of President Bush.

Political Bookworm

Gov. Brewer to write memoir

Featured Columns

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 Al Kamen

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A death certificate, sort of

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 Walter Pincus

What new plans await in Afghanistan?

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 Walter Pincus

Fine Print: Foreign media management? Maybe not

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A new way of advising in Afghanistan

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Joe Davidson

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Tell it to the taxpayers

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Closing the federal gender pay gap

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Open season ... for rage over insurance premiums?

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The body impolitic

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Dana Milbank Live

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 Dana Milbank

Grown-ups miss the first GOP debate

Op-Ed Columnists

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 Eugene Robinson

No contest

All of the GOP’s potential 2012 candidates are uninspiring or unelectable.

Eugene Robinson

 Eugene Robinson

Haley Barbour’s silence speaks volumes



Guns and responsibility

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 Richard Cohen

The myth of the perfect

Retire the notion of American exceptionalism.

Richard Cohen

 Richard Cohen

A doctrinal departure

Does bin Laden’s death signal a new Obama?


 Richard Cohen

Barbour’s rise and fall

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Our two deficits

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Sorry, mom, it was just a stage.

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Grim exuberance about bin Laden

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Evil doesn’t die on its own

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The Obama Doctrine

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Change places?

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Obama took out Osama

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 Harold Meyerson

Blame the base

Why Republicans are dissing the 2012 race.

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 Katrina vanden Heuvel

Gorbachev at 80

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 Katrina vanden Heuvel

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Wisconsin: It’s about democracy

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Obama abdicates on the budget

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Charting his own course

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The coming crisis

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Matt Miller

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Redefining chutzpah

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The lesson in bin Laden’s killing

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 Anne Applebaum

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Anne Applebaum

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Taking away oil’s tax breaks

Dems have a good idea. But it’s still not ambitious enough to raise much money or discourage oil use.


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Obama’s El Paso coup

Immigration-reform speech will bear fruit in 2012.


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 E.J. Dionne Jr.

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Never the Twain shall be censored

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An era of 'hard-core women'

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Kathleen Parker

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An era of 'hard-core women'

Now would be a very good time to be a cartoonist. Or perhaps not. As the late cartoonist Doug Marlette frequently lamented, "How do you cartoon a cartoon? We're living in 'Toon Town.' "

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A tale of blown opportunities.

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Find, fix and finish

How the assault on bin Laden came together.

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Wishing the president ill

Tirades can have consequences.

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Sullying a president

Why the relentless lies about President Obama?

Colbert I. King

 Colbert I. King

Congress’s ‘ethics’

Who are they to judge the District?

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 Fareed Zakaria

When the next crisis hits

Pentagon and CIA could be better prepared.

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Obama’s core beliefs, revealed

He’s not so far to the left.

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Mideast mission creep

Apparently it is not enough that Libya is rescued.