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Paparazzi found their celeb and flashbulbs r popping like xmas. Its Sara Silberman.
@britneyspears They're looking 4 U @ LAX. Tried to act as yer decoy but it didn't work.
told paparazzi at LAX I'm Britney Spears in disguise. Why not? I'm young. I'm cute. And damn it, I'm good enough.
Paparazzi are stalking the Delta Terminal at LAX. One shooter asked what plane I came in on. I didn't say.
On the ground at LAX. Great 2 b home.
@om Running an embargo and an exclusive at the same time is a clear cut violation of ethics.
@om Who at AOL said that?
@om We should start an embargo breakers feed and move the names of PR peeps and journos who break them. Do you have names?
Delta Airlines Flight 607 from JFK to LAX delayed by 45 minutes. Delay could increase.
@om If an embargo lifts today, howz movin at midnight a violation? Don't embargoes typically lift at 12:01am ET, unless otherwise specified?
@rickmurray Quality can't be quantified, which is also why online communications demo better ROI than mainstream campaigns.
Off to JFK. LAXbound.
YouTube Attracts 100 Million U.S. Viewers in October
@kevinrose- Haven't read it, but Tolle did a series of interviews with Oprah u can get as podcasts which are fascinating:
Eric is agonizing over a slow net connex.
@memeticbrand How was the sound? Were you able to heart Tara okay?
@EyeFiCard As I said, open hotspots are unreliable and Wayport has uneven coverage. No national coverage, no value in the card for me.


Biz Stone Evan Williams danah boyd Jason Cosper Xeni Jardin om Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch michael lambie Oren Michels Brett Petersel Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Christine Herron Scott Hussein Rafer David Parmet Josh Hallett Megan McCarthy Chris Brogan Steve Woolf John Wall Doug Haslam Zadi Diaz Irene Tien Brian Solis  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Anil Dash neville Hugh MacLeod Jeremy Pepper    Erica OGrady Suw Mike Macadaan CNN Breaking News Kami Huyse
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