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Welcome to the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate. The Board seeks to advance understanding of the Earth's atmosphere and climate, to help apply this knowledge to benefit the public, and to advise the federal government on issues within the Board's areas of expertise. The Board carries out its mission through the activities of specialized committees and panels charged with providing cogent and independent advice on critical scientific issues, from narrowly defined, highly technical problems to broad public policy concerns.

Career Opportunity: Post-Doctoral Fellow

See the listing on the National Academies' Office of Human Resources site.

America's Climate Choices: A Major Study and Summit on Climate Change

In response to a request from Congress, the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, in collaboration with many other units across the National Academies, is conducting America's Climate Choices, a suite of coordinated activities that will examine the serious and sweeping issues associated with global climate change, including the science and technology challenges involved, and provide advice on actions and strategies the nation can take to respond. Click HERE for more information.

Announcing the 2008 Edition of Understanding and Responding to Climate Change

At a time when responding to climate change is one of the nation's most urgent and complex endeavors, reports from the National Academies provide analysis and direction for policymakers and stakeholders. This booklet highlights recommendations from those reports in an easy-to-read format. Now in its third edition, the booklet includes an expanded section on impacts and updated figures and graphics.

Mailing address:
Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate
The National Academies
500 Fifth Street, NW, Keck WS-603
Washington, D.C. 20001

Telephone: 202-334-3512
Fax: 202-334-3825
Email: basc@nas.edu

The National Academies Building is located one block west of the Judiciary Square Metro Station and two blocks east of the Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro Station. For detailed directions, click here.

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