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Cover Photo - Washington, DC
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Serve.govSee All
    • Poor vets, the Republicans wanted to blow Saddam to hell and the vets paid. They paid with their lives but the Republicans will pay. The day will come when they will pay.
      11 hours ago
  2. This 9/11 Day, choose to remember with service. Where are you serving?
    Photo: This 9/11 Day, choose to remember with service. Where are you serving?
  3. "And finally, instead of turning inward with grief, we’ve honored the memory of those we lost by giving back to our communities, serving those in need, and reaffirming the values at the heart of who we are as a people. That’s why we mark September 11th as a National Day of Service and Remembrance. Because we are one American family. And we look out for each other – not just on the difficult days, but every day.”
  4. Will you commemorate the September 11 anniversary by serving? Share this on your own wall.
    Photo: Will you commemorate the September 11 anniversary by serving? Share this on your own wall.
  5. Lots of folks are asking how they can help in the response to Isaac. The best place to turn to for information on volunteer opportunities and donations are the state service commissions.

    Check out Serve Alabama, Volunteer Louisiana, Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service, Volunteer Florida, OneStar Foundation on how you can help.
  6. Happy Birthday to a great leader in service - Mother Teresa!

    How has she inspired you to serve?
    Photo: Happy Birthday to a great leader in service - Mother Teresa!

How has she inspired you to serve?
  7. Yes!
    LIKE this if you couldn't agree more.
    Photo: LIKE this if you couldn't agree more.
  8. Thought for the Day: “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention” – Oscar Wilde

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