An Official Website of the United States Government

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

IT DashBoard
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  • Have any agencies had significant changes in their mix of Infrastructure versus Mission Area IT spending?
  • Has more IT spending been going to new systems and upgrades, or to maintenance of existing systems?
  • Is less of Health and Human Services’ IT infrastructure reported as upgrades than previously?

All IT spending data on this chart derived from publicly available Exhibit 53s from each agency. Total discretionary budget authority figures derived from the President's 2011 Budget's Historical Tables section as published on the Government Printing Office website. You may access that data here. Many of the below definitions are derived from OMB Circular A-11 Section 53.


For IT spending figures, the numbers are the actual spending for the given fiscal year, except for FY2010 and FY2011. FY2010's figures are "enacted" as of the 2011 Budget. FY2011 is an estimate of future spending as indicated by the President's 2011 Budget for the Federal Government.

More Details about Data Definitions