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Wirtz Labor Library

U.S. Department of Labor Web Archive

The U.S. Department of Labor Web Archive Collection preserves the Web content of DOL and its agencies long after the sites have changed. In January 2009, the Wirtz Labor Library — working with the Office of Public Affairs — began collecting, preserving, and providing access to select DOL agency Web sites with enduring value.

DOL's Web Archive Collection is part of a continuing effort by the Wirtz Labor Library to retain key resources and publications in all formats for future generations of researchers.

To view the U.S. Department of Labor Web Archive Collection, please use the links below.

If you would like to be notified when the archives are updated, please subscribe through our free e-mail subscription service. You can find out more about the archive service in our news release.

Scope & Contents of Digital Resources Disclaimer

Please remember that this is archived material and that any guidance contained within the pages may have been superseded. The content available is no longer being updated and, as a result, you may encounter hyperlinks which no longer function. You should also bear in mind that this content may contain text and references which are no longer applicable as a result of changes in law, regulation and/or administration.