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FY 2008 Budget

Final Appropriation Action:

On December 26, 2007, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, P. L. 110-161, was signed into law. It contains the funding provisions for ETA.
P. L. 110-161 excerpts for ETA
H. Rept. 2764 House Appropriations Committee Print excerpts for ETA
H.R. 110-424 Instructions for Implementation of the $250 Million Rescission as Referenced in Explanatory Statement Accompanying the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008.

On June 30, 2008, the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008, P.L. 110-252, was signed into law. It contains funding provisions for ETA.
P. L. 110-252 excerpts for ETA
Explanatory language submitted by Senator Byrd, Chairman of Senate Committee on Appropriations

ETA Appropriation Table (PDF or XLS)

Budget Request:

Budget Summary

Legislative Priorities Addressed in the Budget

Budget Summary Table (Excel or PDF)

President's FY 2008 Budget Appendix for ETA

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