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DECEMBER 3, 2010 Jacob J. Lew, Director
Letter regarding legislation to enact a freeze on civilian basic pay for federal employees during calendar years 2011 and 2012
Sent to Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid (3 pages, 31 kb)
AUGUST 17, 2010 Jeffrey D. Zients, Acting Director
Letter regarding regulatory policy
Sent to Representative John A. Boehner (2 pages, 50 kb)
JUNE 10, 2010 Peter R. Orszag, Director,
Letter regarding the House-Senate agreement to the Intelligence Authorization Acts for Fiscal Year 2010
Sent to Chairwoman Feinstein, Chairman Reyes, Vice Chairman Bond, and Ranking Member Hoekstra (1 page, 45 kb)
JUNE 7, 2010 Peter R. Orszag, Director
Letter regarding the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund
Sent to Speaker Pelosi (1 page, 52 kb)
MAY 21, 2010 Peter R. Orszag, Director
Letter regarding the Department of Energy's (DOE) Title XVII Loan Guarantee Program
Sent to Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid (2 pages, 51 kb)
JULY 17, 2009 Peter R. Orszag, Director,
Letter regarding a proposal to establish an Independent Medicare Advisory Council
Sent to Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid, Chairman Waxman, Chairman Rangel, Chairman Kennedy, and Chairman Baucus (2 pages, 30 kb)
  Draft legislation (23 pages, 79 kb)
  Sectional analysis (4 pages, 31 kb)
  S. 1110, "Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) Reform Act of 2009" (24 pages, 193 kb)
JULY 8, 2009 Peter R. Orszag, Director
Letter regarding health care reform legislation
Sent to House Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, and Education and Labor (2 pages, 197 kb)
MARCH 6, 2009 Peter R. Orszag, Director
Letter regarding community service legislation
Sent to Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (3 pages, 104 kb) and House Committee on Education and Labor (3 pages, 108 kb)
FEBRUARY 3, 2009 Peter R. Orszag, Director
Letter regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in the U.S. Senate
Sent to Majority Leader Harry Reid (4 pages, 111 kb)
JANUARY 27, 2009 Peter R. Orszag, Director
Letter regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in the U.S. House of Representatives
Sent to Chairman David Obey (4 pages, 110 kb)
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