Good Government
Open, Transparent
& Accountable

President Obama and his Administration are committed to leading the most open, transparent and accountable government in history.

Watch a video on the IT Dashboard, a perfect example of transparency leading to results.

Healthcare at a Glance Tools and Data Presidential Actions Disclosures Good Government News

Connecting with Citizens: President Obama has consistently made clear that he will strive to lead the most open, efficient, and accountable government in history. Over the last two years, new initiatives have increased public participation in government and improved citizens' everyday lives.

Tools and Data Overview

View the Records

Browse a broad range of government data offers data ranging from community health trends to customer service performance that powers innovative new applications.

View Visitor Records

Search the White House visitor records

Over 1,000,000 records of everyone who's come through the doors of the White House have been released to date in a searchable database.

Learn about FOIA

Excess Federal Buildings Interactive Map

This map visualizes a sampling of over 7,000 of the total 12,000 buildings and structures currently designated as excess -- from sheds to underutilized office buildings.

Review Ethics Waivers

Ethics pledges and waivers for officials

President Obama requires everyone he appoints to serve in his Administration to sign an ethics pledge. You can review the pledge and all waivers that have been granted.

Review Ethics Waivers

Government spending at your fingertips provides unprecedented transparency of Federal spending information, showing what contracts have been awarded to whom.

Learn More

See how your tax dollars are spent

American taxpayers will be able to go to a Web site that tells them how their tax dollars are being spent.

Learn about FOIA

Freeing government information

A new website provides useful information about how the Freedom of Information Act works and how the public can access government information and documents.

View the Records

Review each agency’s Open Government Plan

Agencies implemented ambitious Open Government Plans, utilizing new technologies to connect citizens to their government.

View the Schedules

See the President’s and Vice President’s calendar

Check out the President’s and Vice President’s daily public schedules, subscribe to updates, and even add their events to your own calendar.

File a Request

Track Federal IT investments

The IT Dashboard is a website enabling federal agencies, industry, the general public and other stakeholders to view details of federal information technology investments.

File a Request

Request a financial disclosure report

The public may request financial disclosure reports that details the assets and income of Executive Branch Personnel to help identify and avoid conflicts of interest.

Report Improper Spending

Report suspected incidents of improper spending gives taxpayers a way to join the fight against improper spending by reporting suspected incidents of fraud, waste, and abuse.

Report Improper Spending

Find the salaries of White House employees

The White House is required to deliver a report to Congress listing the title and salary of every White House Office employee. See the data in a searchable database.

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