Maryland Voices

How much is it worth to be a U.S. citizen?

How much is it worth to be a U.S. citizen?

We read about famous people like French film star Gerard Depardieu, who moved to Belgium to avoid a 75 percent income tax on millionaires proposed by France's Socialist government (a measure...

Is it 2014 yet? A preview of the race for Maryland governor

Is it 2014 yet? A preview of the race for Maryland governor

Maryland's next gubernatorial election is still nearly two years away, but with the most wide open contest for the post in a generation,...

On eve of fiscal cliff, Congress acts like squabbling children

On eve of fiscal cliff, Congress acts like squabbling children

I constantly hear adults talking about the importance of instilling "values" in my generation. For the last 14 years, my classroom walls...

Orioles manager Buck Showalter is the Marylander of the Year

Orioles manager Buck Showalter is the Marylander of the Year

There is a whole generation of Baltimoreans who have grown up without knowing that, somewhere deep in its DNA, this is a baseball town....

In NRA-land, we're all crack shots and cold-blooded killers

In NRA-land, we're all crack shots and cold-blooded killers

After a tragedy like the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Conn., the injection of anything short of seriousness into the...

About the editorial board

Andy Green, the opinion editor, has taken the "know a little bit about everything" approach in his time at The Sun. He was the city/state editor before coming to the editorial board, and prior to that he covered the State House and Baltimore County government.

Mike Cross-Barnet, who spends most of his time running The Baltimore Sun's Commentary page, has been known to opine on whatever strikes his fancy including international politics, immigration, religion and culture.

Peter Jensen, former State House reporter and features writer, takes the lead on state government, transportation issues and the environment; he is the board's resident funny man and capital schmooze.

Glenn McNatt, who returned to editorial writing after serving as the newspaper's art critic, keeps an eye on the arts, culture, politics and the law for the editorial board.

Editorial cartoons

The Baltimore Sun welcomes submissions of op-ed articles of 650 to 750 words. Local topics and authors are preferred. Please send your submission to op-ed page editor Mike Cross-Barnet at or by clicking here.
The Sun welcomes comments from readers. All comments become the property of The Sun, which reserves the right to edit them. Comments should include your name and address, along with day and evening telephone numbers. E-mail us:; write us: Talk Back, The Sun, P.O. Box 1377, Baltimore 21278-0001; fax us: 410-332-6977.

Burning wood doesn't affect climate change

There was a rather perplexing statement in your article about using waste wood to heat homes and businesses ("Oldest fuel getting a new look," Dec. 25). The article suggested that since burning...

Tax rates have a negligible effect on people's decision to move out of state

Commentator Jim Pettit recently called on the IRS to continue to publish data on people's migration between states as revealed by tax their returns ("Tax data Md. needs — and almost lost," Dec....

Getting guns off the street is the first step toward preventing another Newtown

Former Baltimore City Police Commissioner Frederick H. Bealefeld III recently wrote a focused commentary on the gun violence issue that he knows all too well ("What must be done," Dec. 26).

How to protect our trees as well as our power lines

We have to think more creatively about how we protect both trees and power lines ("A bid to trim power outages," Dec. 23). As Jamie Smith Hopkins...

Putting armed guards in schools sends the wrong message

I appreciate the articles the sun has published on both sides of the gun control debate. As a person who has spent all of her adult professional life in elementary education, I hear the National Rifle...

Let gun owners pay for armed school guards

I support the National Rifle Association's position of stationing armed guards at every school ("NRA to America: Blame yourself, not us," Dec. 21).

Hunters and target shooters don't need assault rifles

The school shooting in Newtown, Conn., once again highlights the need for such sensible gun control measures as restoring the ban on assault rifles and eliminating the gun show loophole for background...

Chestnut Ridge rezoning faulted

It is unusual for me to side with developers, but your article about the Chestnut Ridge property being re-zoned to accommodate nine houses instead of the more lucrative zoning that currently exists is...

The NRA doesn't represent America's gun owners

Your recent editorial expressed outrage at the National Rifle Association's ridiculous claim that the answer to the Newtown school shooting is more guns in schools ("NRA to America: Blame yourself,...

Mass shootings sign of a society in crisis

It takes more than guns to produce the increased frequency of mass killings such as the school shooting in Newtown, Conn. ("What must be done," Dec. 26). As a society we are at risk of accepting the...

Trifling with the legacy of Poe

A shocking and dastardly literary crime has been perpetrated upon a heretofore unsuspecting citizenry. How could you allow The Sun to publish such a travesty about the fictional sleuth Sherlock Holmes...

Bay pollution ruling should be appealed

When our governor criticized state university law school students for backing the fight against pollution in the Chesapeake Bay, one knew the fix was in — even though the pollution at issue,...

Don't let this fish get away

While the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay requires attention from all the half-dozen states in the 64,000-square-mile watershed, there is one step that must be taken almost entirely by one state...

Troubling rise in homicides

After five years of progress in reducing or holding virtually stable the number of homicides committed in Baltimore City, 2012 saw a disturbing rise in killings over the previous year. City...

Unquiet minds

Horrific as the crime was, the fact that a Baltimore judge last week accepted Alexander Kinyua's plea of "guilty but not criminally responsible" in connection with the brutal beating of a classmate...

No study, no fracking

Most of us have probably seen or heard the ubiquitous ads promoting domestic natural gas drilling. While they don't tend to use the word "fracking," their message about hydraulic fracturing of shale...

Chesapeake's new threat — lawyers

Restoring the Chesapeake Bay to better health, or at least slowing the pace of pollution into it, is neither easy nor inexpensive. Yet it's worth pursuing and ultimately is a smart investment, so...

Surf, turf and taxes

Visitors to Ocean City are often struck by the contrasting fortunes of the vacant Ocean Plaza Mall on 94th Street and...

Marylander of the Year: Honorable mention

The Sun narrowed down the contenders for Marylander of the Year to five finalists, but many more were deserving; here's a sampling.

A Christmas reminder

Christmas is a holiday of peace and joy, and most of all a time of wonder and innocence for children. It is a time of belief in magic and goodness, a day when small wishes come true. This year, in...

A year-round present from the arts

In a holiday season that celebrates giving, Maryland's nonprofit arts organizations have been playing their part. Not only do they inspire and enrich our lives in innumerable ways large and small,...

NRA to America: Blame yourself, not us

After a week of silence following the massacre in Newtown, Conn., the National Rifle Association went on the attack Friday morning, insisting that mass killings are the fault of the media, politicians...

Fair-feathered fans?

With the possible exception of Mayan calendar followers and all others who expect the world to end in a matter of hours, is there a gloomier bunch around metropolitan Baltimore than Ravens fans?...