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May 09, 2011


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national high-speed passenger rail network


At least some of this $2.02 billion for improving railroad infrastructure must go for configuring "intermodal" unboxed bicycle carriage facilities in both (the now being designed) conventional rail passenger cars and for designing unboxed bicycle carriage facilities in high speed rail passenger cars.

Allowing unboxed bicycles to be transported in the rail passenger cars with their owner bicyclists' will encourage tourism (economic development!) by USA residents and foreign tourists alike. United States tourism venues (lodging, transportation, cultural insitutions, outdoors activities) are a significant employer and contributor to the economy.

The Secretary should take Amtrak's Acela to New York City's Pennsylvania Station on May 19th to visit the "New York By Rail Travel Exhibition." This is the only USA travel exhibition specifically designed to encourage rail passenger tourism. Secretary LaHood should invite Amtrak President Boardman and Amtrak VP of Marketing & New Product Development to accompany him to this event. His presence and visit to this travel exhibition will be a significant encouragement for using Amtrak & other USA passenger/scenic railroads for touring the USA.

The Secretary might want to bring his "foldie" to NYC. There is no bicycle carriage service other than folding bicycles on Acela or the Northeast Regional trains!

This is great news for all Americans and an important step to further bring the efficiencies of rail to bear on our congestion, energy, mobility and jobs problems. Please don't forget the needs of the national system trains that knit these higher speed systems together that desperately need additional equipment and frequencies.

Mr. Secretary, thank you for the continued updates on this project and other transportation-related issues. It is refreshing to receive news directly from the source, with no "middleman" interpretations.

This is fantastic news! I am currently in Europe which features an impressive rail system, and it is far superior to the transit infrastructure in the states. Kudos on spearheading this initiative!

Excellent choices. I am particularly happy to see 160mph service coming soon to NJ.

I hope the Western Corridor in Vermont gets funded next time.

Train and Economics Comparison

# 1 - Maglev one way track: -------------------------- 24.600,000 U.S. dollars per kilometer

# 2 - The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express two way track: ---------- 1,496,300 U.S. dollars per kilometer

# 3 - Maglev: Income from the system is incapable of recouping the capital costs over the
expected lifetime of the system.

# 4 - The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express will recover the capital cost with interest within 9 years.
No government funding is needed.

# 5 - The Shuttle Express train and track will last 100 + years when proper preventive
maintenance is performed.

# 6 - I have completed my homework, where the Economics Comparison can be clarified

Open letter to; The Honorable Ray LaHood; The U. S. Secretary of Transportation.


I, Frank J. Illguth, a Norwegian born immigrant and inventor am proud to be a citizen of the greatest country in the world that I love, The United States of America.

A U. S. provisional patent has been filed & identified by serial No.: 61/50479. When my regular U. S. patent is filed and granted U.S.A. will be leading the pack with the greatest world high speed passenger rail technology. I do have access to a working model clarifying the shuttle technology.

The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express will be the only Express Train on our planet that will be able to slow down to 25 miles per hour, shuttle or load and unload up to 500 + passengers and that could include all the passengers and their luggage, load and unload up to four wheel chair passengers and their luggage, load on fuel, fresh water, and supplies and unload the septic system, all of the above at the same time. The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express train will then return to its normal safe speed of 200 + miles per hour.
When preventive maintenance is required, that same American Hydrogen Shuttle Express train will also exchange all the express train cars, shuttle or move the 500 + passengers, and the four wheel chair passengers and all the luggage from the express train that is entering the preventive maintenance stations, to the express train that is exiting the preventive maintenance station at the same time while traveling at 25 miles per. hour. The express train will then return to its normal safe speed of 200 + miles per hour. There will be no delay to the 500 + passengers.

(The patent regulatory guidelines are plain. You can not obtain a patent on an idea. You must have a proven fact of performance before the patent can be granted. Otherwise, millions of ideas would block the access to millions of new paten applications.

Winter storms or any impossible whether conditions that will normally ground all air traffic will not for the most part slow down The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express.

What does this mean to you, the traveling public? You will be able to travel from New York City to San Francisco in 15 hours with 15 shuttles and for the first time in our history. The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express will be able to span the North Pacific Ocean. Traveling from Anchorage Alaska to Harbin China in 16 hours with 16 shuttles when crossing The Bering Strait.

The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express mechanical technology makes it impossible to have a derailment or an accidental mishap when loading and unloading up to 500 + passengers with their luggage, and is a product of 33 years of documented research and development that is now ready to be built. The American Shuttle Express will recover the capital cost with interest within 9 years.
This American Hydrogen Shuttle Express mass transportation mechanical technology will be one of the greatest work projects through out the world creating millions of meaningful jobs. When building the high speed rail, shuttle stations, preventive maintenance stations and a big boost to the industrialized world economy. Building the latest Shuttle Express mass transportation system known to man today. The right - of - way concept is not a problem either with the American Hydrogen Overhead Monorail Shuttle Express when it is elevated it will travel over all railways, highways, and farmland.

According to the David Suzuki Foundation of Vancouver Canada we read that ”Aviation growth is a risk to our planet. The rise in demand for air travel is one of the most serious
Environmental global warming threats facing our world today.”

Reducing our overland air travel is a great step in the right direction. There is one major way that we can accomplish this very important objective .We must be able to give you, our today’s air traveling public, something better.
The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express with the latest advanced American mass transportation technology will give you, the traveling public, something better.

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