Obama pivots, heads for the border


President Obama will stand on the U.S.-Mexico border Tuesday and try to take credit for something that eluded predecessors in both parties: successfully cracking down on illegal immigration.

West Wing Briefing

West Wing Briefing: Obama faces immigration hurdles

Passing major changes to immigration laws eluded President Bush, and Obama faces the same challenges.

West Wing briefing: Obama ‘nervous’?

Twice Sunday night, President Obama described himself as “nervous” — a word he rarely uses in reference to himself — when discussing the mission he authorized against Osama bin Laden.

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What President Obama's immigration speech tells us about 2012 http://wapo.st/ikYw5H


Jon Huntsman staffs up http://wapo.st/mS8kge #2012 #campaign2012


What Alan Simpson doesn't know about Social Security http://wapo.st/mM7sWc

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"Too soon" or "as it should be?" #BinLaden death now part of #Obama's re-elect message. http://lat.ms/myhwaZ #campaign2012


Jon Huntsman staffs up http://wapo.st/mS8kge #2012 #campaign2012


YOU'RE FIRED: Trump Tanks in #GOP Poll http://bit.ly/lePGiT #Campaign2012

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Memphis from the window of my AA flight from TX to DC early Tues AM. "Pyramid" is in center of pic http://yfrog.com/gyfbckqj


Photo Of The Day - Governor Abercrombie supporting designers and the fashion arts, looks at Aloha shirts. http://ow.ly/4RO6z


Governor Abercrombie and Designer Amos Kotomori at "Search For The Best Aloha Shirt Design" Announcement http://ow.ly/4RNVi

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Video: Gingrich is in, but can he win?

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Behind the scenes at the White House after bin Laden killed

Behind the scenes at the White House after bin Laden killed

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