Why Twitter should double its character limit


OPINION | I’m hoping Twitter celebrates its fifth birthday this month by rethinking its140-character limit. Why do I want more space? Forcing people to shrink their updates to 140 characters prevents meaningful interaction between users, short-circuits conversations, and turns otherwise straightforward thoughts into a bewildering jumble of txtese.

Federal judge in Massachusetts dismisses lawsuit against Facebook from Winklevoss twins

NEW YORK — A federal judge in Boston has dismissed a lawsuit against Facebook filed by Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, Harvard classmates of CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Report: Sharper iPad display on way

Report: Sharper iPad display on way

LG Display CEO Kwon Young-soo says that the company is making a retina display for the iPad.

Verizon: We expect iPhone 5 this fall

Incoming Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam says the carrier expects an iPhone 5 this fall.

Q&A: What are your top mobile pet peeves?

Q&A: What are your top mobile pet peeves?

Wireless Zone’s Bonnie Sharon, aka Cellular Chloe, talks cellphone etiquette.

Borders bids a ‘fond farewell’

Borders bids a ‘fond farewell’

Borders is closing, and starts its final sales today.

Unemployment up in 28 states in June

Unemployment up in 28 states in June

Unemployment rates rose in 28 states and Washington, D.C., in June.

Apple to bid for Hulu?

Apple to bid for Hulu?

Apple has reportedly entered the bidding for Hulu

Analysts put bets on AT&T, T-Mobile

Analysts put bets on AT&T, T-Mobile

Will the events of this week hurt AT&T’s bid for T-Mobile? Maybe not, analysts say.

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Zuckerberg plays down Facebook's role in revolts

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U.S. outlines global plan for cyberspace

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