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I'm Having Trouble With My Log In

I can't log in at all

If you do not see the Log In link in the upper right corner of, or nothing happens after you enter your login information and click submit, please be sure you've enabled JavaScript and Cookies in your browser. To do this you can follow the steps listed in this article.


I forgot my password and I received an error noting my email address is not in the database

If the response "We have no record of that address" appears when you submit your email address, then the email address is not registered to an account in our records. Please verify the correct email address used to register the account.


If after the above steps you are still not able to login, please first verify that you have JavaScript and Cookies enabled in your browser. If they are enabled, clear out your Cookies, exit the browser, and then log back into your account in a new browser window.


I am not able to watch mature content even though I’m logged in and older than the required age

Occasionally, you may encounter a situation where you're logged in and the site tells you that you are not old enough to watch a particular video. If you are sure that your account lists your age as older than 17, try the following steps:

  1. Verify you have JavaScript and Cookies enabled in your browser
  2. Clear your cookies and cache
  3. Sign out of your account and close your browser
  4. Go to and log back in
  5. Try to watch a mature video (i.e. Dig!)



If you continue to have problems accessing your account, please contact us directly using this form.

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