The White House Blog

  • The New National Terrorism Advisory System

    Ed. note: This was originally posted on the Department of Homeland Security blog.

    In today’s threat environment – more than ever – we know that our security is a shared responsibility and the best security strategy is one that gets the public involved. That’s why the Department of Homeland Security is focused on strengthening our country’s defenses by getting all stakeholders – including the public – the information and resources they need in order to play their part in helping to secure the country.

    We’ve begun a great deal of this work by building the capabilities of fusion centers, launching the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative, and expanding the “If You See Something, Say Something,” campaign. Now, we are taking another major step forward through the new National Terrorism Advisory – or NTAS – system. This new system –which will be fully implemented on April 26 – counts on the American public as a key partner in securing our country.

    NTAS is built on a clear and simple premise: When a threat develops that could impact you – the public – we will tell you. We will provide whatever information we can so you know how to protect yourselves, your families, and your communities.

  • Working Together to Create a 21st Century Immigration System

    President Obama remains deeply committed to reforming our immigration laws to meet our 21st Century economic and security needs.  In his State of the Union address, the President asked Republicans and Democrats to work with him to take on this issue.  While we all know the debate will be tough, the American people expect their leaders in Washington to tackle difficult issues. The President cannot fix our broken system on his own.

    Yesterday, I joined the President at an important meeting with a broad group of business, law enforcement, faith, and elected leaders from across the country.  The President was joined by several members of his Cabinet, including Secretaries Janet Napolitano, Hilda Solis, Ken Salazar, and Attorney General Eric Holder, all of whom have been actively engaged in the Administration’s efforts to advance legislation to improve our system in the key areas that they oversee.

  • Startup America: New Commitments Fueling America’s Entrepreneurs

    This afternoon at Facebook headquarters in Silicon Valley, following the President’s national town hall on Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity, I’ll join a group of entrepreneurs for a livestreamed panel on Startup America, the White House-led initiative to encourage and accelerate high-growth entrepreneurship across the country.

    This initiative is a top priority for President Obama. Entrepreneurship is a key ingredient to economic growth. Startups all across the country play a crucial role in job creation, since these companies generate the lion’s share of net new jobs.  Startups are also responsible for developing breakthroughs in industries such as information technology, biotechnology, and clean energy that will allow the United States to compete and win in the global economy.

    The Obama Administration is doing its part to create the right environment for high-growth entrepreneurship. We are reducing taxes, streamlining and eliminating burdensome regulations, increasing access to capital, expanding opportunities for high-quality mentorship and entrepreneurial education, and speeding up the commercialization of federally funded research.

    Here are some highlights of our progress to date:

  • Open for Questions: Earth Day Live Chat from the South Lawn

    Update: The time for this event has been changed to 4:30 p.m. EDT on Thursday, April 21.  The post below has been updated to reflect this change.

    In honor of Earth Day, Nancy Sutley, Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality, and Heather Zichal, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change, are hosting a special Open for Questions event live from the South Lawn of the White House.

    If you’ve got questions about what the Obama Administration is doing to protect our air and water or how we’re building a clean energy future, be sure to tune in:

    • When: Thursday, April 21 at 4:30 p.m. EDT
    • Where: Streaming live from the South Lawn of the White House at and Facebook
    • Who: Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change Heather Zichal, and YOU!
    • Get Involved: You can submit your questions via our Facebook chat application during the chat or submit them in advance on our webform.

  • Do you have the White House app for your phone?

    Download the Android App Download the iPhone App

    Today, we're announcing two new developments for the White House's mobile apps.The White House has iPhone and Android applications

    Now, with the newly upgraded White House iPhone app, you can get an alert that President Obama is about to speak, then watch it live, right in the palm of your hand. Over 400,000 people have already downloaded the app, so if you don’t already have it make sure you do.

    That’s not all. When we first released the iPhone app, we heard from a lot of Android owners who wanted something for their devices, too. So we’re excited to announce the White House’s new official mobile app for the Android operating system.

    With both of these mobile apps, Americans can get alerts directly from the White House, check out behind-the-scenes photos and videos, and read the latest news from the blog or the Briefing Room.

    As a reminder, is also optimized for any mobile phone’s browser. Take a look at to check it out.

    According to the numbers, more and more of you are using mobile devices to access content on In the last two months, 6.6% of visits to came from the iOS or Android operating system - nearly double the share of visits over the same period last year (3.6%). 

    We’re constantly working to make it easier for the American public to connect with the Administration. Please give us feedback on these new apps, the mobile website or anything else related to the White House online program’s technology.

  • President Obama in Virginia on Our Fiscal Future: "We Are Going to Have to Ask Everybody to Sacrifice"

    Viewing this video requires Adobe Flash Player 8 or higher. Download the free player.

    As the President answered questions at a town hall at Northern Virginia Community College, it was clear that the concerns people have outside Washington are directly related to the debate over our budget and fiscal future that will be playing out over the coming months.  People were rightly concerned about getting our deficits under control, but they were also concerned about our future in education, clean energy, and Medicare.  Read the full transcript to see his detailed answers, but his summary of his plan and the choices ahead of us in his opening remarks made clear that we can address both issues:

  • A New Way to Serve Our Veterans

    Some of the most important programs our department provides are mental health services.  I am pleased to announce that VA and the Department of Defense (DoD) have launched the PTSD Coach – our first in a suite of jointly developed mobile smartphone applications (apps) for mental health.

    When speaking with Veterans living with PTSD, we were told that they wanted and needed a convenient way to learn more about the services and resources available to them, as well as an app that could help them manage symptoms of PTSD at any given moment.  The PTSD Coach is a cutting edge app which provides information and tools that Veterans and service members can use to cope with their PTSD symptoms any moment of the day—24/7.

  • Putting it Plainly

    Every day, the Federal Government is engaged in communication with the American public. When Federal agencies are explaining how businesses can comply with legal requirements, or informing people about Federal services and benefits, they should write clearly and avoid jargon. But far too often, agencies use confusing, technical, and acronym-filled language.  Such language can cost consumers and small business owners precious time in their efforts to play by the rules.

    The good news is that relatively small efforts to communicate more clearly can minimize that burden. Take this example: the Federal Communications Commission used to receive so many questions from the public about its requirements for ham radio operations that five full-time employees were needed to provide answers. After the requirements were written in plain language, questions dropped off so dramatically that all five of those employees could be reassigned to more pressing activity at the Commission.

    In short, writing in plain language can make a huge difference. That is why President Obama signed the Plain Writing Act of 2010 into law last October. By improving government communications, the Act will not only save money but also facilitate two-way communication between agencies and the public and make it is far easier for people to understand what they are being asked to do.

  • The President at Easter Breakfast: "Our Thoughts and Prayers are With All the Families" in North Carolina

    Viewing this video requires Adobe Flash Player 8 or higher. Download the free player.

    At his Easter Prayer Breakfast this morning in the East Room with Christian leaders from across the country, the President kept his remarks brief but still made a point to note the tough times in one area of the country right now: "as some of you know, obviously, North Carolina was ravaged by storms this past weekend, and our thoughts and prayers are with all the families who have been affected down there."

    Yesterday the President also spoke to two North Carolinians on the devastation.  One was Michael Hollowell, manager of a Lowes home improvement store hit by a tornado in Sanford, North Carolina, whose swift action saved lives and made him a hero across the country.  The second was David Crabtree, of WRAL in Raleigh, where the first questions in the interview were naturally about the storms:

  • Startup America Hits the Road: Talking with Entrepreneurs Across the Country

    Startup America is the White House initiative to celebrate, inspire, and accelerate high-growth entrepreneurship throughout the Nation.  Tomorrow, in conjunction with the President’s trip to Facebook, we will engage with entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley to share more exciting news about Startup America – tune in to the panel discussion here.

    One core goal of the Startup America initiative is to reduce barriers that are hampering entrepreneurs’ ability to start and scale their businesses. 

    The White House, in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration, decided the best way to figure out which regulatory barriers are hindering entrepreneurs was to ask those who are directly affected.  Then the entrepreneurs can help identify solutions as well.

  • Giving Back to our Military Families

    It seems sacrifice is on the minds of most everyone these days. In homes across the country working families are cutting back and learning how to do more with less. Military families are making the ultimate sacrifice – that of a loved one – to keep the rest of us safe. On top of trying to pay bills, put food on the table and raise children, many military spouses have to go at it alone, worried about the safety of their loved one abroad.

    My older brother served in the army and was stationed in Korea. I remember what it was like not having him around, sending letters, photos, care packages and such. It was hard on my mom because he wasn't home. Not having him around much and having been raised by working parents, I learned early on what it was like to do more with less. In my family, sacrifice was something my parents practiced on a daily basis to give me and my siblings a better life.

    Today, countless military families continue to do the same. In many ways, they have to work twice as hard. While I wasn’t raised by military parents, I did have a loved one who served abroad, and I do know about sacrifice. And I also know how important it is to give back.

    First Lady Michelle Obama greets people following her remarks at a SEARS distribution center 1

    First Lady Michelle Obama greets people following her remarks at a SEARS distribution center in Columbus, Ohio, April 14, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy) April 14, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

  • President Obama Presents Air Force Academy with Commander-in-Chief Trophy: "A Group That Has a Lot to Be Proud Of"

    Read the Transcript  |  Download Video: mp4 (74MB) | mp3 (7MB)

    This afternoon the President congratulated the winners of the proud three-way rivalry between the Army, Navy and Air Force Academy football teams.  Noting the presence of Superintendent of the Air Force Academy, Lieutenant General Michael Gould, and the Air Force Chief of Staff, General Norton Schwartz, he gave all appropriate respect to the players who serve their country:

    Most of all, though, I want to congratulate the cadets who are standing behind me.  Until this year, no one on this team knew what it felt like to beat Army, to beat Navy, to visit the White House, and to earn football bragging rights over the other branches.  Now you know the feeling.  (Applause.)  They also know what it feels like not just to be a good service academy team, but to be a good team, period.  Put up 350 rushing yards against Oklahoma.  Finished 9-4 after what Coach Calhoun called the toughest schedule a service academy ever played.  And to cap it all off, to win in a bowl game against Georgia Tech.  (Applause.)  That’s impressive.  Georgia Tech has three times as many students. 

    Of course, I hear the victory that was sweetest of all was finally beating that Navy team.  I’m told that as soon as the final whistle blew, the loudspeakers started blasting Etta James singing “At Last.”  (Laughter.)  The entire cadet wing -– usually some of the most disciplined young men and women you’ll ever see -– just rushed the field and sang the alma mater with the team.

    So this is a group that has a lot to be proud of.  But, obviously, the most impressive thing about these young men, the thing that sets them apart, is that being a football player isn’t what defines them.  They’re airmen first.  And more important than any bowl game or trophy is the commitment that they’ve made to serve this country.

    That’s why last summer, when almost every other Division I team was working out and running through drills together, these players were scattered around the world learning the skills they needed long after they take off their jerseys and hang up their helmets. 

  • We're in the Global Clean Energy Race to Win: Federal Investment in California Solar Energy Plant

    I have good news. Today, the Department of Energy offered a $2.1 billion conditional commitment  loan guarantee to support a concentrating solar thermal power plant near Blythe, California. This is the largest amount ever offered to a solar project through our the Department's Loan Programs Office.

    The loan will support two units of the Blythe Solar Power Project that will have a combined 484 megawatt generating capacity. These units are part of a larger project, sponsored by Solar Trust of America, that when completed will generate 1,000 megawatts of solar power, enough to power 95,000 homes a year.

    The project is expected to create more than 1,000 jobs and is estimated to avoid more than 710,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, which is equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas emissions from more than 123,000 vehicles.

  • Why Is This Night Different from All Other Nights? Recipes for Passover

    Tonight and tomorrow night, Jewish families and friends in the United States and around the world will gather for Seders to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt and the triumph of hope and perseverance over injustice and oppression. For most Jewish families, the Passover meal is full traditions passed down through the generations like the maror, or bitter herbs, which symbolize the bitterness of slavery in Egypt or the matzoh, unleavened bread, which recalls the haste with which the Israelites left Egypt – giving them no time to allow their bread to rise.

    While some families hold the secret to the fluffiest matzoh balls in town, others have created new traditions to share with their families and friends.

    Here at the White House tonight, President and Mrs. Obama will again host a small Seder, complete with recipes provided by friends and family.  It’s a tradition that started in Pennsylvania in 2008, when after a long day on the campaign trail then-Senator Obama gathered a group of staffers – Jewish and non-Jewish alike – for an impromptu Seder.  Each year since, the same group, along with a few close friends and family, have come together to carry on the tradition at the White House.  Among the family recipes on the menu this year are a traditional chicken soup with matzoh balls, braised beef brisket, potato kugel, carrot soufflé, and matzoh chocolate cake.

  • President Obama and Vice President Biden’s Tax Returns and Tax Receipts

    Today, the President released his 2010 federal income and gift tax returns. He and the First Lady filed their income tax return jointly and reported an adjusted gross income of $1,728,096. The vast majority of the family’s income is the proceeds from the sale of the President’s books. The Obamas paid $453,770 in total federal tax. 

    The President and First Lady also reported donating $245,075 – or about 14.2% of their adjusted gross income – to 36 different charities.  The largest reported gift to charity was a $131,075 contribution to the Fisher House Foundation.  The President is donating the after-tax proceeds from his children’s book to a Fisher House scholarship fund for children of fallen and disabled soldiers.  The President and First Lady also released their Illinois income tax return and reported paying $51,568 in state income taxes.

  • President Obama Invites You to his Facebook Town Hall

    Watch as President Obama personally invites you to participate in his “Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity” facebook town hall event on Wednesday, April 20th at 1:45 pm PT / 4:45 pm ET live online from Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, California. The event will be live streamed on facebook at or and at

    Watch the video below and RSVP for the event at

    After the event, be sure to stay tuned for our Women and Technology panel with White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett and the Startup America panel with Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers Austan Goolsbee.  Learn more about these events and find out how you can get involved at: http:/

    And be sure to “like” the White House on facebook to stay up to date with the latest news, events and ways to engage with President Obama and other senior advisors. 



  • Weekly Address: America’s Fiscal Future

    The President discusses his plan for our fiscal future, a comprehensive and balanced approach to achieve $4 trillion in deficit reduction over twelve years.

  • Weekly Wrap Up: The Country We Believe In

    Your quick look at the week that was on

    Read the Transcript  |  Download Video: mp4 (417MB) | mp3 (40MB)

    America's Fiscal Future: On Wednesday, President Obama spoke at the George Washington University about his plan to control spending while staying true to America's values of shared prosperity and shared responsibility. After his speech, economic advisor Brian Deese answered your questions in a live video chat. The President's focus on fiscal policy continued as he met with bipartisan leaders from the House and Senate, and with the co-chairs of his fiscal commission.

  • Announcing the 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll Poster Contest Winners

    This year we invited local Elementary and Middle School students in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia to submit entries for the 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll Poster Contest.  The response was tremendous -- we were excited to receive over 400 entries from 135 schools! The First Lady selected the winning designs for the 2011 Official Easter Egg Roll Poster and Program Cover. 

    Students were asked to incorporate this year's theme, “Get Up and Go!” The theme goes along with the First Lady’s Let’s Move! initiative, a national effort to combat childhood obesity, and promotes health and wellness.

    And the winners are...

  • President Obama Releases the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace

    Today, President Obama released the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) (PDF).This Strategy seeks to improve security in cyberspace and e-commerce. We can see how this plays out in at least two areas. First, passwords alone are not secure enough, which contributes to online fraud and identity theft. It is also inconvenient to have to remember dozens of passwords to access different online services. Second, it is difficult for individuals to prove their true identity when they want to perform a sensitive transaction online, like banking or accessing health records.  These problems are limiting the full economic potential of the Internet, because certain services cannot easily be moved online.  NSTIC envisions a private sector led effort to create a new infrastructure for the Internet, built on interoperable, privacy-enhancing, and secure identity credentials.  This new infrastructure is centered around choice. First, you don't have to use it at all. If you do, you can choose when or how to use it.

    For example, you might get a "digital credential" bundled with your cell phone plan that resides as an application on your smart phone. It would remain inactive when you are just browsing the web. But with a single, short PIN or password, you could use your credential on the phone to do a range of transactions from logging in to your favorite online game as “anon01” where you do not want to reveal your real name to accessing your tax information where you do. To see an animated example of this system, visit the NSTIC program office's home page.

    But not everybody wants a smart phone. Under this strategy, you will be able to choose from many different identity providers: perhaps your bank, your health care provider, your email provider, or any other preferred organization. We seek to create an ecosystem of many different providers, so that there is an option that suits every individual who wants to participate. Individuals can also choose between different credentials, or ways of logging in: cell phones, keychain “fobs,” smart cards, and many others – in fact, there will undoubtedly be ways that have not yet even been invented.