Training for the Harried Professional, OPM Hiring Reform Online Training

Welcome! We know your time is valuable, that's why the Office of Personnel Management has created a series of quick training videos on a range of subjects to help you achieve your mission and important recruitment, hiring and diversity goals. Follow the harried professional as she maneuvers through many of today's challenges, overcoming some of her concerns and learning a few things along the way.

Select any of the topics below, or watch all of them together. Be sure to check back with us often, because we're adding new material all the time!

Course Menu
Course Action
Hiring People With Disabilities Made Simple Launch Program
Applying for Jobs using Schedule A Launch Program
Category Rating Launch Program
Introduction to Hiring Reform Launch Program
Veterans Appointing Authorities Launch Program
Military Spouse Employment Launch Program
Manager InvolvementLaunch Program
Download zip files of these training courses
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