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Army Sgt. Frank, an infantryman in Company A, 1st Battalion, 151st Infantry Regiment of the Indiana National GuardNational Guard responds to multiple domestic disastersApproximately 900 National Guard members are currently responding to floods, fires, tornadoes, and other emergency situations in six states...
April 26, 2011
Third from left, Maj. Gen. Jovencio Magalso, Armed Forces of the Philippines deputy chief of staff for retiree and reserve affairsMAFFS plays key role in National Guard response to Texas wildfiresNational Guard members from four states are continuing efforts to thwart the Texas wildfires that have scorched 1.6 million acres of land and destroyed 244 homes, Guard officials said here...
April 21, 2011
Guard the Environment ArtNational Guard celebrates Earth Day every dayThe National Guard has a twofold mission: to serve the United States at home and overseas and, for Guard members, taking care of their communities is part of that local mission...
April 25, 2011
Members of a Quick Reaction Force in Valley City, N.D.North Dakota Guard continues flood fightGov. Jack Dalrymple and First Lady Betsy Dalrymple on Sunday visited with some of the nearly 300 North Dakota National Guard members who are helping this community combat spring flooding...
April 18, 2011
National Guard LogoOhio National Guard unit prepares for largest overseas deployment since World War IIMore than 750 Soldiers of the 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Ohio and Michigan National Guards, participated in pre- and post-mobilization training at the Camp Ravenna Joint Military Training Center here April 5-20, in preparation for their upcoming deployment to Afghanistan...
April 26, 2011
Air Force Command Chief Master Sgt. Christopher MuncyAir Guard senior enlisted leader: Are you telling your story?The Air National Guard's highest ranking enlisted leader emphasized the contributions of National Guard Airmen in shaping the foundation of the United States during a visit to the District of Columbia Air National Guard here, April 17....
April 26, 2011
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Air Force Lt. Col. June OldmanTotal force brings aeromedical evacuation training to the Democratic Republic of the Congo A two week medical exercise, in partnership with the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and U.S. Air Forces Africa, focusing on aeromedical evacuation, kicked off here at the Centre Superior Militaire Academy Monday...
April 26, 2011
Army Spc. John YorkMontana Guard’s Outlaws on the road from dusk ’til dawnAs the deadline approaches for all U.S. troops to exit Iraq, units like the 163rd Combined Arms Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, 4th Sustainment Brigade, 310th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, are playing a pivotal role in the drawdown...
April 18, 2011
Soldiers of 1st Platoon, 118th SappersUtah Guard’s 118th Sapper Company delivers security through counter-IED effortsIn late August 2010, Soldiers of the 118th Sapper Company arrived at Forward Operating Base Salerno, Afghanistan. A mere 10 days and four missions later, they took the helm of Route Clearance Package 37. Assigned to clear routes and counter the enemy’s attempts to emplace improvised explosive devices in their area of operations, they had no idea what the next year of their lives would bring...
April 18, 2011

Capt. Fassi Fehri, left, a pilot with the Moroccan air force, receives an F-16 orientation flight, from Air Force Lt. Col. Scott LambeSouth Carolina Air National Guard welcomes Moroccan air force officialsThe South Carolina Air National Guard hosted members of the Moroccan air force during a week-long visit this month...
April 26, 2011
Third from left, Maj. Gen. Jovencio Magalso, Armed Forces of the Philippines deputy chief of staff for retiree and reserve affairsPhilippine leaders visit Guam GuardThe Guam National Guard recently hosted key leaders of the Philippine military to share strategies on disaster preparedness...
April 21, 2011

Keegan NeverettOrganization honors Guard children"Our Military Kids," a national nonprofit organization, honored four children and a military family here Thursday in an award ceremony at the Navy Memorial...
April 15, 2011

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