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Open Government Initiative


Overview | Open Government Plan | Status of our Open Government Plan | Gallery | Data Sources
Policies | Get Involved | Freedom of Information Act | Contingency Planning | About Open Government


Contact Us

William Anderson
Chief Financial Officer

Phone: 202-606-6780

Additional contact information


Please email your questions, comments or suggestions to

The Open Government Directive is an effort to implement the principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration that form the cornerstone of an open government.

  • Transparency promotes accountability by providing the public with information about what the government is doing.
  • Participation allows members of the public to contribute ideas and expertise so that their government can make policies with the benefit of a wide range of views and information.
  • Collaboration improves the effectiveness of government by encouraging partnerships and cooperation within the federal government, across levels of government, and between the government and private institutions and citizens.

The Corporation for National and Community Service has long embraced these principles. Participation and collaboration are at the heart of our mission, as we work with thousands of organizations to engage millions of Americans in service each year. From seeking input on our strategic plan, regulations, and policies; to sharing program evaluations and agency performance data; to providing grants and training to organizations across the country, open government is a guiding principle of our work. Under the Administration's Open Government Initiative, we are committed to becoming more open.

Open Government Plan Version 1.1

Based on input from agency staff and the public, the Corporation's Open Government Plan contains detailed information on our current activities and future improvements to increase transparency, collaboration and participation. This plan is a living document and we are interested in hearing from you about our plan. Please let us know what you think and share any other ideas on how we can improve transparency, participation and collaboration by sending an email to

Status of our Open Government Plan

In our Open Government Plan, we committed to giving the public quarterly status updates. The link below leads to our status as of December 31, 2010. This will provide you with the status for a list of completed projects, actively ongoing projects, and projects planned for the next year.

Open Government Gallery

The Corporation for National and Community Service Open Government Gallery highlights a few key initiatives and projects that demonstrate Corporation's commitment to the open government principles of transparency, participation and collaboration.

Data Sources

Under the Open Government Directive, the Corporation has posted three new high-value datasets, the first of many datasets we will be releasing. You can access them below, along with links to more than 20 more feeds to get real-time information on grant competition, news, photos, videos, and more. Come back again as we add more datasets.


In order to provide for as open an environment as possible for all the activities of the Corporation, have gathered links to our statutes, regulations, and policies in one place for your review:

Get Involved

There are many ways for individuals and organizations to learn more and get involved in our programs.

Freedom of Information Act and Records Retention

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) gives Americans the opportunity to gather information about government activities. The FOIA generally provides access to federal agency records or portions of those records except those which are protected from release by specific exemptions. For a reference guide on how to submit a FOIA request and other information, click on the links below.

The Corporation creates many records in a wide variety of forms including paper, video and electronic, among others. This below document specifies the records dispositions and policies associated with these records.

CNCS Contingency Plan and Information in the Absence of Appropriated Funding

Below you can find the agency's contingency plan related to operations during a federal government shutdown.

Grant Maintenance

During a shutdown period, grantees that have active, awarded grants may continue to operate. The following systems will remain functional:

The Help Desk will also continue to operate, but support will be limited. You can reach the Help Desk at 1-800-942-2677.

Office of Personnel Management FAQs

About Open Government

President Obama’s first executive action in office was to sign the Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government. You can learn more about the Administration’s work to make government more transparent, participatory and collaborative by visiting the sites below.

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