About SBA

Loans & Grants Search API


*** Update Web Service API from Business.gov to SBA.gov ***



SBA.gov's Loans & Grants Search API provides access to a collection of links to Federal, state, and local financial assistance programs that help small businesses get started or expand operations. Each program is categorized to several attributes, including specialized types of financing (e.g., start-up loans for women entrepreneurs).

The base URL for all calls to the Loans & Grants Search API is http://api.sba.gov/loans_grants/.

The API is RESTful and output formats are available in XML and JSON.


The following methods will return information on small business financing programs in the Loans & Grant Search database.

Return Values

Each result from the Loans & Grants Search API contains many fields, that contain descriptive data about the result.  Complete descriptions of each field are found below:

Tag Name Description Length Data Type Possible Values
state_name The state in which this loan/grant is applicable 25 String State or territory name (or nil if the loan/grant is not state-specific)
gov_type This specifies whether the loan/grant is applicable nationally (Federal) or limited to a particular state (State) 50 String Federal, State, Private, Local
loan_type This column specifies whether this is a Loan, Grant, Venture Capital offering, or tax incentive. 45 String Grant, Loan, Venture Capital, Tax Incentive
agency The agency offering this loan/grant 200 String Any String
industry The industry to which this loan/grant applies 45 String Any String
title The title of the loan/grant 400 String Any String
description A brief description of the loan/grant 600 String Any String
url The url of the website where more information may be found 600 String Any valid URL
is_general_purpose This column specifies whether this loan is general purpose 1 Integer 0, 1
is_development This column specifies whether this loan is applicable to businesses involved in development 1 Integer 0, 1
is_exporting This column specifies whether this loan is applicable to business involved in exporting 1 Integer 0, 1
is_contractor This column specifies whether this loan is restricted to contractors 1 Integer 0, 1
is_green This column specifies whether this loan is directed towards businesses that promote environmentally friendly practices 1 Integer 0, 1
is_military This column specifies whether this loan is restricted to businesses owned by military personnel 1 Integer 0, 1
is_minority This column specifies whether this loan is specifically for minority owned businesses 1 Integer 0, 1
is_woman This column specifies whether this loan is restricted to woman owned businesses 1 Integer 0, 1
is_disabled This column specifies whether this loan/grant is for the use of disabled persons only 1 Integer 0, 1
is_rural This column specifies whether this loan/grant is permitted for use in rural areas 1 Integer 0, 1
is_disaster This column specifies whether this grant/loan can be used for disaster relief 1 Integer 0, 1