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A gadget or a widget is a small piece of Web programming code that makes something interesting appear on your blog, wiki, or Web page. Information in a widget can feature updated information or let the reader do something like use a search box.

To add a widget, you must be able to edit your Web page. If you need help in adding a widget to your Web page, please contact your Webmaster or service provider.

Choose your widget:

Environmental Tips
UV Index
Job Search
Burn Wise
Daily Actions
Find Your Watershed
Natural Lakeshores
WaterSense Tip
Earth Day Countdown

Environmental Tips - Shows a new tip each day, of something you (and your readers) can use to help protect the environment. Each daily widget also gives links to more information. To use this widget, click on the Get Widget button on the bottom of the widget.

UV Index - Enter your ZIP code to get the daily UV Index forecast. To use this widget, click on the Get Widget button on the bottom of the widget.

Job Search - Search for EPA jobs on usajobs.com. Choose specific regions to search, or search all EPA jobs. To use this widget, click on the Get Widget button on the bottom of the widget.

MyEnvironment - Search for a wide variety of environmental information based on your location. To use this widget, click on the Get Widget button on the bottom of the widget.

Envirofacts - Search several EPA databases for information about environmental activities that may affect air, water, and land in the U.S. To use this widget, copy and paste the following code into your Web page.

More Envirofacts - Get other widgets related to specific environmental datasets, such as the air releases from regulated facilities (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), grants information (Grants Information and Control System), and more. For all Envirofacts widgets: http://www.epa.gov/enviro and click the "widgets" tab.

Burn Wise - Get a new tip each week about wood burning safety and efficiency. To use this widget, click on the Get Widget button on the bottom of the widget.

Note - the Burn Wise widget is available in different sizes.

Daily Actions - Tips help encourage others to take steps to address climate change and its effects on children's health. To use this widget, click on the Get Widget button on the bottom of the widget.

Find Your Watershed - Enter your ZIP code to get information about the watershed(s) in that area. To use this widget, click on the Get Widget button on the bottom of the widget.

Natural Lakeshores - This widget provides a series of ten tips for improved lakeshore stewardship, focusing on natural lakeshores - lakeshores with plenty of native trees, shrubs, and overhanging vegetation. Native vegetation along lakeshores provides food, shelter, habitat and shade for fish and protects the lake from the damaging effects of erosion and polluted stormwater runoff. This contributes to improved water quality, which can in turn help increase the value of lakefront property. To use this widget, click on the Get Widget button on the bottom of the widget.

WaterSense Tip - Get a new tip on water efficiency each month and get more information from the WaterSense Web site. To use this widget, click on the Get Widget button on the bottom of the widget.

Special note: this widget comes in small, medium, and large so you can choose the size that fits your page best.

Earth Day Countdown - Shows how many days remain until the next Earth Day (April 22). To use this widget, click on the Get Widget button on the bottom of the widget.

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Want more? USA.gov's Gadget Gallery gives you a variety of ways to add these widgets and others to your web pages such as your blog or other type of site.

What's a gadget or widget?. Exit EPA Disclaimer 

Easy Mac widgets

If you use an Apple Macintosh computer with operating system 10.5 "Leopard" or later, you can use the Safari browser to add "web clip" widgets to your dashboard.

Open Safari and go to the Web page that has the widget (or other Web page section you want). Pull down the "File" menu and stop on "Open in Dashboard." Use the mouse to highlight the part of the Web page you want, and at the top of the screen click "Add."

Your new widget should appear in your Mac dashboard along with any other widgets you have. Read more about Safari. Exit EPA Disclaimer EPA doesn't endorse any particular browser or software.