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Pick 5 for the Environment

Pick 5 for YOUR environment! Environmental action can mean doing different things in different places, but it begins by taking the simple steps where you live. Doing your part means doing what you can do. By choosing five or more of these ideas and sharing your own, you are joining thousands of others who are doing the same. Together we can make the biggest difference, so make your actions count today!

What can you do? Click a category to begin.

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You're on your way to a healthier environment! Keep it up!

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Pick 5 is an international environmental connection effort brought to you by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of State. Brought to you by the US EPA and the US Dept. of State State.gov US EPA

Contact the Pick 5 Program Manager to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem.


  1. Use only the water you need, and reuse when possible.
    Used household water, or "grey water" is being re-used in Zambia for gardening.
  2. Dispose of solid and liquid wastes and medications safely.

    Take advantage of medication take-back programs or household hazardous waste collection programs that accept medications, pharmaceuticals, oil, paint and other liquid wastes.

    If there are no take-back programs near you, contact your state and local waste management authorities and ask about how to dispose of unused medication.

    Follow any specific disposal instructions that may be printed on the label or accompanying patient information

  3. Protect your local water source from pollutants, excess pesticides and garbage.
    Everyone lives in a watershed -- the area that drains to a common waterway, such as a stream, lake, estuary, wetland, aquifer, or even the ocean -- and our individual actions can directly affect it. For example, watch the weather and apply necessary chemicals when the rain won’t wash them away, and dispose of livestock or pet's waste appropriately or litter off the ground.


  1. Pass on gas! Take public transportation, carpool, plan your day to reduce trips and vehicle emissions
  2. Make sure your home's air is healthy, learn about indoor air pollutants from indoor energy use and toxins.
  3. Reduce your potential for exposure to mercury
  4. Plant a tree. Or plant many trees!
  5. Prevent additional air pollution by finding alternatives to burning your waste


  1. Use pesticides safely! Reduce or eliminate where possible.
  2. Learn about composting, try it out!
  3. Learn about 'Greenscaping'! Try it out at home and promote it in your community
  4. Learn about the native species and the negative effects of non native plants and animals in the environment. Plant native species in your gardens, encourage important pollinators such as bees and birds by planting gardens full of their favorite plants. Join a team in your community that removes non-native species.


  1. Save energy at home Choose energy-saving appliances if they're available. Look for Energy Star!
  2. Go renewable! Create your own power from wind, the sun, water, or biofuels.
  3. Find alternate ways to reduce use of diesel and other fuels for transportation, production and energy.


  1. Reuse. Upcycle! Take something that is disposable and transform it into something of greater use and value.

    Embassy Lusaka in Zambia is donating its rubbish to upcyclers who create useful or artistic things from them. Examples of the types of items made from this rubbish are grocery bags, wine bottles, soda bottle tops, cardboard, paper and shredded paper.

    Widows and single moms of Chikumbuso, Zambia crotchet strips of plastic grocery base into indestructible reusable bags to support a school for their children and community orphans.

    Soda and beer bottle tops are transformed into furniture and other décor!

  2. Recycle metals, plastics and paper
    Zambia - Collecting and delivering glass to make beads, generating income for a community school for impoverished children.
  3. E-cycle Recycle and/or properly dispose of electronic waste such as computers and other gadgets
  4. Don't litter! Properly dispose of trash and waste


  1. Share Your Commitment
  2. Raise Awareness! Talk to others about the state of the environment, locally or globally

Show us your Pick 5, stake a claim on your environment! Submit your clip by June 6, 2011 for our World Environment Day video release. Instructions *** Creativity, bloopers and high resolution recordings encouraged!

It's My EnvironmentMake Saving Energy Part of Your Pick 5