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Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health oversees 14 core public health offices — including the Office of the Surgeon General and the US Public Health Service Corps — as well as 10 regional health offices across the nation and 10 Presidential and Secretarial advisory committees.

New National Vaccine Plan

child receives vaccineOn February 16, the Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Howard Koh unveiled the 2010 National Vaccine Plan, the nation’s 10-year strategy to ensure that all Americans can access the preventive benefits of vaccines. The plan offers innovative approaches to improve delivery of existing vaccines and to spur development of new products to prevent infectious disease.

Read more about the vaccine plan >>

Offices of the Assistant Secretary for Health

The following offices under the Assistant Secretary for Health are cornerstones for delivery of public health services.

  • Office of the Surgeon General (OSG): Provides Americans the best scientific information available on how to improve their health and reduce their risk of illness and injury. The Office also manages the operations of the Commissioned Corps of the US Public Health Service.
  • National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO): Ensures collaboration among the many federal agencies involved in vaccine and immunization activities.
  • Office of Adolescent Health (OAH): Coordinates adolescent health promotion and disease prevention initiatives across HHS.
  • Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP): Provides leadership, coordination and policy development for public health and prevention activities. Leads the Healthy People initiative for HHS.
  • Office of Healthcare Quality (OHQ): Leads and coordinates cross-cutting issues that strengthen the health system and improve the quality of healthcare across the United States.
  • Office of HIV/AIDS Policy (OHAP): Office of HIV/AIDS Policy (OHAP): The Office of HIV/AIDS policy is responsible for coordinating, integrating, and directing the Department’s policies, programs, and activities related to HIV/AIDS.
  • Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP): Supports, strengthens and provides leadership to the nation’s system for protecting volunteers in research conducted or supported by HHS.
  • Office of Minority Health (OMH): Addresses health status and quality of life for minority populations in the United States.
  • Office of Population Affairs (OPA): Advises on issues related to family planning and population affairs.
  • Office of Research Integrity (ORI): Promotes integrity in research programs of the Public Health Service, both intramural and extramural, and responds to allegations of research misconduct.
  • Office on Women’s Health (OWH): Improves the health of American women by advancing a comprehensive women’s health agenda throughout HHS.

Advisory Committees