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Recovery Feature Stories

Nonprofit Organizations: A Unique Role in our National Recovery

The nonprofit sector – comprised of health, education, civic, scientific, and charitable organizations – employs over 9 million Americans. Millions more benefit from the job training, education, and health care services these organizations provide.

Using to find and apply for Recovery Act opportunities, nonprofit organizations like the ones featured here can contribute to the economic recovery in their communities and across the nation.

New Wheels for Pittsburgh Community Health Center
Neighborhood Revitalization in New Orleans
Big Brothers Big Sisters at work in Colorado
Catholic Charities Strengthens Kansas City Nonprofits

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Recovery Act opportunities.

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Recovery Grant Provides New Wheels for Pittsburgh Community Health Center

New Wheels for Pittsburgh Community Health CenterA grant for $310,725 from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) will allow the Squirrel Hill Health Center (SHHC) to improve its efficiency through the purchase of a mobile medical unit from a local, family-owned business. With the help of this clinic-on-wheels, doctors at SHHC will be able to reach isolated patients throughout the Pittsburgh area, including older residents living in senior housing, adults being treated for serious and persistent mental illness, and children and families who are unable to access medical care.

"The ARRA funds will help our community on multiple levels," said Susan Friedberg Kalson, Chief Executive Officer at SHHC. "First, we will be employing a local company, using American made materials to build a new vehicle. But over the long run, the mobile unit will enable SHHC to expand capacity in an efficient and cost effective manner."

Awarded through the Department of Health and Human Services, the grant to Squirrel Hill Health Center is part of over $3 billion in Recovery funding designated for the expansion, improvement, and renovation of community health centers. The Squirrel Hill Health Center, which has served Pittsburgh patients since 2006, applied for this funding using

"We expect to reach hundreds of additional patients without adding space to our fixed site – and expect the majority of those new patients to be people for whom getting to the doctor’s office is an insurmountable barrier to care," Ms. Kalson added. "By bringing the doctor to them, we expect to improve the quality of lives for the most vulnerable of our neighbors, putting our resources as well as our dollars back into our own community."

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