Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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Braving the storm

CONTINGENCY OPERATING SITE COBRA, Iraq – Despite fierce 50-knot winds and blowing dust, an HH-60M medevac helicopter crew circled Contingency Operating Site Cobra, focused on the importance of their mission—evacuating an injured Soldier to medical care. After a Soldier from 2nd Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Advise and Assist Brigade, 25th Infantry Division suffered serious injuries April 4, medics at the COS Cobra aid station quickly realized the dust storm raging outside would turn a routine medevac mission into an extraordinary flight. As with any other day, air ambulance crews from Company C, 3rd Battalion, 126th Aviation Regiment waited for calls. “The initial call was just like running (civilian emergency medical services); you’re always on call waiting for the phone
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‘Saber’ Squadron Soldiers instruct 4th Iraqi Federal Police Division partners on traffic control point techniques

BAGHDAD— As part of the advise, train, and assist mission under Operation New Dawn, Soldiers with B Troop, 6th “Saber” Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, United States Division – Center provided traffic control point operations training to their Iraqi partners, the 1st Mechanized Brigade, 4th Iraqi Federal Police Division, May 2 at Camp Liberty, Iraq. This intent of the training was for the 1st Mech. Bde. to maintain the skills they need, as well as learn new ones, in order to ensure the people of Iraq can continue to safely travel on the major roads in Baghdad. “Given that they [work in] traffic control points a lot already, this training gave us a
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Iraq Special Forces commandos

Iraq Special Forces commandos

 Iraq Special Forces commandos with the 6th Regional Commando Battalion prepare to assault an objective during Operation Lions Leap at Khor Al Zubair, April 28, after being dropped off by Iraqi Air Force helicopters.

Single-line formation

Single-line formation

Iraqi Special Forces commandos with the 6th Regional Commando Battalion form a single-line formation as they prepare to assault an objective at Khor Al Zubair, April 28, during Operation Lions Leap.

Shoot, move, communicate

Shoot, move, communicate

Armored vehicles from 12th Iraqi Army Division secure an outer perimeter as two helicopters land, allowing Iraqi Special Operations to assault an objective during the live fire for Operation Lion’s Leap, April 19. 

Lighting up the sky

Lighting up the sky

An Iraqi Army helicopter fires flares over an objective while a perimeter of vehicles establishes security during a live fire practice exercise for Operation Lion’s Leap, April 19.

Eyes on the sky

Eyes on the sky

An Iraqi Army helicopter hovers over an outer defense cordon created by armored vehicles from 12th IA Division during a live fire exercise for Operation Lion’s Leap, April 19, 2011.

Taking the lead

Taking the lead

Communicate and move while laying down suppressive fire on an objective for the multi-lateral exercise Lion’s Leap at the Mahgoor Training Site, April 19, 2011. 

Iraqi jinood clear room

Iraqi jinood clear room

Iraqi Army soldiers practice room clearing techniques while their instructor watches closely from outside

Iraqi leaders plan assault

Iraqi leaders plan assault

Iraqi Army officers use a terrain model to plan a battalion live fire exercise.

Jundi assaults house

Jundi assaults house

An Iraqi jundi, Arabic for soldier, rushes to clear a building during a training exercise.

Iraqi troops react to IED

Iraqi troops react to IED

Iraqi Army soldiers drive by a simulated Improvised Explosive Device during a training exercise.

Iraqi soldiers storm room

Iraqi soldiers storm room

Iraqi soldiers assigned to 4th Battalion, 21st Brigade, 5th Iraqi Army Division, clear a room as part of a Tadreeb al Shamil class at Forward Operating Base Normandy.

Get on Line

Get on Line

Iraqi soldiers advance on line to their objective while their instructor watches from behind during a platoon-level training class

Mortar crew observes advance

Mortar crew observes advance

An Iraqi Army mortar crew waits for the rest of their battalion to assault a mock village as helicopters provide aerial security during a battalion live fire training exercise.

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