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Census of Agriculture Race, Ethnicity and Gender Profile Data

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Data.gov Program Management Office Data.gov Program Management Office

created Feb 18, 2011

updated May 03, 2011


2007 Census of Agriculture Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Profiles contain county level census data presented by the race, ethnicity, and gender of farm operators. These profiles provide an easily referenced snapshot of U.S. county farm demographics and provide increased insight into understanding rural America. n

women operators, green onions, cucumbers, Temples, lentils, cherries, pecans, cauliflower, blackeyed peas, pelts, tame hay, Asian operators, blueberries, inventory, coffee, sod, farm demographics, broccoli, escarole, okra, Chinese cabbage, goats, mohair, Brussels sprouts, oranges, celery, poultry, land in farms, turnips, prunes, calves, popcorn, watercress, peas, herbs, lemons, kumquats, lambs, vegetable seeds, oats, turnip greens, pickles, Pacific Island operators, pluots, bananas, apples, tame blueberries, bee colonies, tenure, nursery, macadamia nuts, almonds, blackberries, emus, elk, noncitrus, alfalfa seed, English walnuts, quail, grapefruit, llamas, tobacco, spinach, raspberries, number sold, hazelnuts, tangerines, soybeans, garlic, cabbage, ducks, rice, orchards, cotton, cattle, value of production, sweet corn, short rotation woody crops, fescue seed, wild hay, wool, dry edible peas, average age, squash, pistachios, government payments, carrots, rabbits, alpacas, snap beans, wild blueberries, currants, pullets, loganberries, potatoes, alfalfa, endive, proso millet, aquaculture, layers, grass seed, grapes, sales, citrus, sorghum, mushrooms, filberts, ginseng, white operators, sugarcane, nectarines, plums, watermelons, beef cow, honey, corn, ponies, wheat, kiwifruit, guavas, hogs, sheep, net cash income, agriculture, dry edible beans, horseradish, farm income, bell peppers, nuts, acres, papayas, spring wheat, woodland, apricots, pigeons, crop sales, figs, geese, dewberries, flaxseed, parsley, cranberries, cowpeas, Hispanic operators, olives, ryegrass seed, pheasants, pineapples, honeydew melon, chicory, peaches, beets, broilers, livestock sales, meat goats, sugarbeets, donkeys, production expenses, farms, milk cow, berries, squab, artichokes, barley, lettuce, mint, field crops, bison, other animals, horses, milk goats, African American operators, ewe, fruits, cantaloupes, burros, pears, silage, floriculture, sweet potatoes, Christmas trees, pigs, tangelos, mustard, walnuts, vines, operator characteristics, limes, pima cotton, chickens, eggs, hops, winter wheat, turkeys, sunflower seed, greenhouse, radishes, sweet cherries, strawberries, tart cherries, angora goats, persimmons, durum wheat, passion fruit, eggplant, kale, ostriches, sugar, safflower, daikon, size of farm, pomegranates, Spanish operators, upland cotton, farm economics, mules, native Hawaiian operators, mangoes, age, collards, melons, aquatic plants, avocados, onions, lima beans, vegetables, rhubarb, peppers, boysenberries, dates, deer, flower seeds, chile, primary occupation, black operators, asparagus, hay, chestnuts, mink, Latino operators, bees, peanuts, dairy products, tomatoes, Valencia oranges, pumpkins
Licensing and Attribution
Data Provided By
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Source Link
Dataset Summary
Department of Agriculture
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Date Released
Date Updated
Time Period
Quinquennial - Every 5 years
Dataset Information
Data.gov Data Category Type
Raw Data Catalog
Specialized Data Category Designation
Unique ID
Dataset Coverage
Unit of Analysis
farm operation
Geographic Coverage
United States
Data Quality
Applicable Information Quality Guideline Designation
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Data Quality Certification
Privacy and Confidentiality
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Data.gov Program Management Office Data.gov Program Management Office

created Feb 18, 2011

updated May 03, 2011


2007 Census of Agriculture Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Profiles contain county level census data presented by the race, ethnicity, and gender of farm operators. These profiles provide an easily referenced snapshot of U.S. county farm demographics and provide increased insight into understanding rural America. n

women operators, green onions, cucumbers, Temples, lentils, cherries, pecans, cauliflower, blackeyed peas, pelts, tame hay, Asian operators, blueberries, inventory, coffee, sod, farm demographics, broccoli, escarole, okra, Chinese cabbage, goats, mohair, Brussels sprouts, oranges, celery, poultry, land in farms, turnips, prunes, calves, popcorn, watercress, peas, herbs, lemons, kumquats, lambs, vegetable seeds, oats, turnip greens, pickles, Pacific Island operators, pluots, bananas, apples, tame blueberries, bee colonies, tenure, nursery, macadamia nuts, almonds, blackberries, emus, elk, noncitrus, alfalfa seed, English walnuts, quail, grapefruit, llamas, tobacco, spinach, raspberries, number sold, hazelnuts, tangerines, soybeans, garlic, cabbage, ducks, rice, orchards, cotton, cattle, value of production, sweet corn, short rotation woody crops, fescue seed, wild hay, wool, dry edible peas, average age, squash, pistachios, government payments, carrots, rabbits, alpacas, snap beans, wild blueberries, currants, pullets, loganberries, potatoes, alfalfa, endive, proso millet, aquaculture, layers, grass seed, grapes, sales, citrus, sorghum, mushrooms, filberts, ginseng, white operators, sugarcane, nectarines, plums, watermelons, beef cow, honey, corn, ponies, wheat, kiwifruit, guavas, hogs, sheep, net cash income, agriculture, dry edible beans, horseradish, farm income, bell peppers, nuts, acres, papayas, spring wheat, woodland, apricots, pigeons, crop sales, figs, geese, dewberries, flaxseed, parsley, cranberries, cowpeas, Hispanic operators, olives, ryegrass seed, pheasants, pineapples, honeydew melon, chicory, peaches, beets, broilers, livestock sales, meat goats, sugarbeets, donkeys, production expenses, farms, milk cow, berries, squab, artichokes, barley, lettuce, mint, field crops, bison, other animals, horses, milk goats, African American operators, ewe, fruits, cantaloupes, burros, pears, silage, floriculture, sweet potatoes, Christmas trees, pigs, tangelos, mustard, walnuts, vines, operator characteristics, limes, pima cotton, chickens, eggs, hops, winter wheat, turkeys, sunflower seed, greenhouse, radishes, sweet cherries, strawberries, tart cherries, angora goats, persimmons, durum wheat, passion fruit, eggplant, kale, ostriches, sugar, safflower, daikon, size of farm, pomegranates, Spanish operators, upland cotton, farm economics, mules, native Hawaiian operators, mangoes, age, collards, melons, aquatic plants, avocados, onions, lima beans, vegetables, rhubarb, peppers, boysenberries, dates, deer, flower seeds, chile, primary occupation, black operators, asparagus, hay, chestnuts, mink, Latino operators, bees, peanuts, dairy products, tomatoes, Valencia oranges, pumpkins
Licensing and Attribution
Data Provided By
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Source Link
Dataset Summary
Department of Agriculture
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Date Released
Date Updated
Time Period
Quinquennial - Every 5 years
Dataset Information
Data.gov Data Category Type
Raw Data Catalog
Specialized Data Category Designation
Unique ID
Dataset Coverage
Unit of Analysis
farm operation
Geographic Coverage
United States
Data Quality
Applicable Information Quality Guideline Designation
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Data Quality Certification
Privacy and Confidentiality

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