RSA Program Data and Statistics
Fiscal Year 2005 Data

For the purposes of improving program management and effectiveness, RSA evaluates all programs authorized by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. For example, to assess linkages between vocational rehabilitation (VR) services and economic and non-economic outcomes, RSA is conducting a longitudinal study of a national sample of VR consumers. RSA may also disseminate information on exemplary practices concerning vocational rehabilitation. You can find many of those studies and projects and their results below. In this section readers will also find summary data and statistics describing the outcomes of various programs funded by RSA, and in particular, data on individuals with disabilities served and rehabilitated (including caseload data and client characteristics) through the Title I Basic Support Program.

For information regarding data that is collected via sources other than those listed below, please contact RSA directly by calling Joe Pepin at 202-245-7598.

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Fiscal Year 2005 Data Tables

The following 22 tables (in MS Excel file format*) provide information on consumer outcomes, ages, wages earned and hours worked during Fiscal Year 2005. They also provide financial breakdowns of expenditures by vocational rehabilitation agencies as well as information on referrals sources, services provided to individuals, counselor caseloads and eligibility rates. The first 15 tables cover consumer information and the remaining 7 cover information on VR agency expenditures. The information is from the RSA-2, RSA-113, and RSA-911.

Table 1 (61K) download files
Percent Mean Hourly Wage at Closure — Competitive Employment Outcomes to State Mean Hourly Wage

Table 2 (57K) download files
Percent of All Competitive Employment Outcomes Making Amount Equal to Federal Minimum Wage x 35 Hours Per Week

Table 3 (96K) download files
Percent of All Employment Outcomes Making Amount Equal to Federal Minimum Wage x 35 Hours Per Week

Table 4 (54K) download files
Percent of All Employment Outcomes at or Above Federal Minimum Wage

Table 5 (60K) download files
Percent of All Employment Outcomes That Are Competitive Employment Outcomes

Table 6 (55K) download files
Mean Age at Application — Eligible Cases

Table 7 (55K) download files
Mean Age at Closure — Eligible Cases

Table 8 (97K) download files
Mean Hourly Wage at Closure — Competitive Employment Outcomes

Table 9 (55K) download files
Mean Weekly Hours Worked at Closure — All Employment Outcomes

Table 10 (55K) download files
Mean Weekly Hours Worked at Closure — Competitive Employment Outcomes

Table 11 (55K) download files
Mean Weekly Wage at Closure — All Employment Outcomes

Table 12 (55K) download files
Mean Weekly Wage at Closure — Competitive Employment Outcomes

Table 13 (55K) download files
Mean Number Open Service Records Per Counselor FTE at End of Year

Table 14 (55K) download files
Mean Time (Months) in VR — Employment Outcomes

Table 15 (54K) download files
Eligibility Rate

Table 16 (82K) download files
VR Expenditures by Category, and Percent Change from a Year Ago

Table 17 (112K) download files
Amounts Spent on Services for Individuals, by Type of Service and Percent Change from a Year Ago

Table 18 (57K) download files
Mean Expenditure This FY for Services to Individuals With Signed IPEs

Table 19 (80K) download files
Distribution of VR Agency Staff, by Type of Agency

Table 20 (54K) download files
Percent Total Expenditures Spent on Administrative Costs

Table 21 (141K) download files
Services Provided to Individuals With Employment Outcomes by Agency, Region and Type of Agency

Table 22 (98K) download files
Referral Source of Individuals With Employment Outcomes by Agency, Region and Type of Agency

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Previous Year RSA Program Data and Statistics

FY 2004 | FY 2003 | FY 2002 | FY 2001 | 1998-1999

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*Microsoft offers a free program that enables people without MS-Excel to open and view Excel files.

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Last Modified: 03/20/2007