What's New

Sunshine Week

March 13-19, 2011, is Sunshine Week, an international event that focuses on helping to open government data and information and freedom of information activities. In honor of Sunshine Week, Data.gov introduces the new Law.data.gov community and Data.gov in the Classroom campaign. Stay tuned for more new initiatives this week!

Tsunami Warning

Real-time alerts and data related to the tsunami and earthquake off the coast of Japan.

  • West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
  • Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
  • Related datasets
  • screen shot of the World Map visualization - click to view demo
  • A world map displaying recent earthquakes with a magnitude of 3.0 or greater on the Richter scale and a depth of 50 kilometers or less. To highlight activity off the Japanese coast, click on the location features for Japan and explore the magnitudes of the quakes by looking at different Richter scale values. This Semantic-Web powered demo was built by Li Ding, a research scientist at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

International Open Government Data Conference: A Rousing Success!

International Open Government Data Conference logo

Experts from around the world presented on the Semantic Web, Privacy and Security, Geospatial Innovations, Mobile Apps, E-Democracy, and more. Find their presentations here.

Join the conversation in our new Open Data Community launched at the Conference.

  • Read the Harvard Business School (HBS) case study* (1.5 MB, PDF) on Data.gov presented by HBS Assistant Professor Karim Lakhani, Ph.D. This case study is free for government use.
  • Explore the Data.gov Concept of Operations* (CONOPS, 4 MB, PDF) released at the Conference. The CONOPS represents the vision for the future of Data.gov and Open Data for the Federal Government.

* To view these documents in PDF format, you must have Adobe Reader Software. Download it free here.


New Features

preview of the Geo Viewer

We are pleased to announce the availability of the Data.gov GEO Viewer, an interactive mapping tool designed to let users preview geospatial data available through the Data.gov catalogs. Using this tool, you can immediately view datasets on an interactive map, overlay them with other datasets, and investigate the underlying data.

More information about the Data.gov GEO Viewer is available

Newest Datasets

icons of Data.gov catalogs

Find out what datasets and tools have been added to Data.gov catalogs.


Data.gov in the News

Data.gov in the news

Check out how Data.gov is making news. You'll also find stories about Open Government and learn how Data.gov is supporting its core principles of transparency, participation and collaboration.

Read Data.gov in the News