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UPDATED: 11 May 2011 GMT
  • Renewable Energy for Afghanistan’s Future

    Deputy U.S. Ambassador E. Anthony Wayne attended the opening of the Kabul University Renewable Energy Lab on May 4. The laboratory was built and outfitted to teach engineering and architecture students about renewable energy, including solar and wind power, and the application of these technologies to Afghanistan.

  • Mine Action Day Commemoration

    U.S. Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberry and Dr. Mohammad Daim Kakar, Director of the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority, honored mine victims, the Afghan government, and donor countries that are working to eliminate dangerous mines from Afghanistan. More than 20 years ago, Afghanistan was the first country

  • Preserving Traditional Afghan Crafts

    On May 9, 2011, U.S. Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberry and Canadian Ambassador William Crosbie, along with several Afghan officials, attended the opening of the refurbished Turquoise Mountain Foundation in the heart of Kabul's Old City. The center provides a future generation of artisans skills in traditional Afghan crafts


Security Council Presidential Statement, Welcoming End of Osama bin Laden’s Ability to Perpetrate Terrorist Acts, Urges States to Remain Vigilant

As of June 1, for the first time in 20 years, immigrant visa applicants will again have scheduled ...

U.S. Embassy Kabul’s Consular Section Returns to Full Service

On this May 3 as we observe World Press Freedom Day, we take time to honor those who promote and protect...

Statement by Secretary Clinton on World Press Freedom Day

World Press Freedom Day (May 3, 2010)

More News From U.S. Embassy

Special Rep for Afghanistan and Pakistan visits Kabul
SRAP Ambassador Marc Grossman and Ambassador Karl Eikenberry hold a press conference in Kabul on May 1, 2011. Ambassador Grossman met with senior Afghan officials and members of civil society during his visit to Afghanistan.

Credit Program for Agriculture Enhancement
U.S. Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberry presents a bag of fertilizer to a farmer at Katway Village in Bamyan Province on April 25, 2011. Together with the Afghan Minister of Agriculture and Provincial Governor, he initiated a $1 million credit cooperative program to provide fertilizer to local potato farmers.

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives visits Afghanistan
Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Congressman John Boehner led a delegation of U.S. Congresspersons to Afghanistan recently. The delegation came to Afghanistan to met with members of the military, and U.S. civilian agencies and to meet with senior Afghan government officials. In Kabul they met with President Karzai.

Earth Day Celebrations in Kabul
Deputy Ambassador Wayne and Prince Zaher examine publications that promote environmental awareness at an Earth Day celebration at Kabul University. The event was hosted jointly by the National Environmental Protection Agency and the World Conservation Society.

Proud to be an American
U.S. Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberry attended the Joint Sustainment Command-Afghanistan Naturalization Ceremony at Kandahar Air Field on April 22, 2011. Over 50 service members from 26 different countries became U.S. citizens

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