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UPDATED: 08 May 2011 GMT
  • Credit: White House Photo, Chuck Kennedy, 5/1/11 Remarks By the President on Osama Bin Laden

    President Obama praises those Americans who carried out the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, tells the families of the victims of 9/11 that they have never been forgotten, and calls on Americans to remember the unity of that tragic day.

  • Woman speaking. (Photo Credit: State Department) Sec. Clinton on the Death of Osama bin Laden

    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks on the death of Osama bin Laden, at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on May 2, 2011.

  • SRAP Amb. Grossman (Credit: DOS) SRAP Amb. Grossman Statement at Trilateral Meeting

    Thank you all for coming. Let me begin by thanking Foreign Secretary Bashir for so kindly hosting this trilateral meeting today, and Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister Ludin for traveling from Kabul to ...

Embassy News
This Warden Notice is to inform American Citizens in Pakistan that the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad....

Warden Notice - Openings

Thank you all for coming. Let me begin by thanking Foreign Secretary Bashir for so kindly hosting this...

SRAP Amb. Grossman Statement at Trilateral Meeting

This Warden Notice is to inform American Citizens in Pakistan that the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad ...

Warden Notice: Openings and Closings

President Obama praises those Americans who carried out the operation to kill Osama bin Laden....

U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue

Strategic Dialogue

Development Cooperation (USAID)

Development Cooperation

More News from the Embassy
Amb. Munter Shakes Hands (DOS Image)

Ambassador Munter Attends Pashtun Tribal Jirga In Quetta
U.S. Ambassador Cameron Munter, during his first trip to Balochistan, participated in a Pashtun tribal jirga in Quetta today. The jirga was convened by Nawab Ayaz Jogezai, a Pashtun leader and convener of the Pashtun ulas qaumi jirga.

People watering a plant.

Americans and Pakistanis Clean Up the Environment
The World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan (WWF) and the U.S. Embassy marked the 41st commemoration of Earth Day with activities to clean up Trail 5 at Margalla Hills in Islamabad. Over 50 Pakistani youth, including students from the Embassy’s English-language ACCESS Microscholarship program...

Islamabad, April 26, 2011 - State’s International Women of Courage Winner Ms. Ghulam Sughra (center right) and Dr. Marilyn Wyatt (center left), wife of U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, meet with young girls attending Islamabad College for Girls in Islamabad.

Embassy Honors Pakistan’s IWOC Award Winner
At a reception hosted by the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Ambassador Cameron Munter recognized Ms. Ghulam Sughra, founder and chief executive officer of the Marvi Rural Development Organization, for winning the State Department’s International Women of Courage Award.

Tahira meets with Deputy Chief of Mission Ambassador Richard E. Hoagland at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad.

Embassy Congratulates Facebook Contest Winner!
In celebration of Women’s History Month in March, the Embassy held a Facebook contest encouraging fans to send in entries about an inspiring woman for a chance to win a handycam. Out of over 60 notes received, Tahira Saleem won first place for her entry about Parveen Saeed, a woman who feeds the poor in Karachi.

USAID’s Pakistan Mission Director Andrew Sisson, along with WAPDA Chairman Shakil Durrani and Director General of the Frontier Works Organization, Major General Najeeb Ullah Khan, unveil the plaque at the Gomal Zam Dam.

US, Pakistan Work Together to Increase Electricity
A delegation of senior United States Agency for International Development (USAID) officials joined the Water and Power Development Authority’s (WAPDA) Chairman, Shakil Durrani, on a visit to Gomal Zam on Thursday, April 21, for an update on construction progress. USAID is co-funding completion of the Gomal Zam Dam...