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75009 - Paris FRANCE
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Africa Regional Services (ARS Paris) is the
primary source of French language
program materials for American Cultural Centers
at U.S. embassies throughout francophone Africa.
It is a branch of the Department of
State's Bureau of African Affairs
and was established in 1962 as a center for cultural and information programs
and services in French.



  • E-media
  • Press
  • ARS 50th anniversary
  • BIF
  • NH
  • eJournal

Michael A. Battle Sr.

Situation in Sudan and South Sudan

Mr. Michael A. Battle Sr. United States Ambassador to the African Union and United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Economic Commission on Africa

Interview conducted by Michel Arseneault for Radio France Internationale (English Service)

May 1, 2012
Listen to the interview

Newsletter no 1229
October 12, 2012
English - French

Malian Aïssata Konaté walking in field with hoe over her shoulder (USAID)   Chris Hedrick in front of map and charts, gesturing (Peace Corps)  

Malian Aïssata Konaté is president of her local women's group, which supplies women farmers with high-yield seeds.


Project director Chris Hedrick talks about the history and values of the Stomping Out Malaria in Africa initiative.


U.S., U.N. and Africa
International Day of the Girl Child
U.S. Elections 2012
Food Security
LGBT rights
Africa Unity Cup
Fighting Malaria

1962 - 2012
ARS 50th anniversary
Africa Regional Services celebrated its 50th anniversary on June 7th, 2012 at the Hôtel de Talleyrand. The celebratory reception was attended by over 200 American, African, and French contacts from the fields of journalism, publishing, academia, the arts, and government. US Ambassador to France Charles Rivkin's remarks noted the importance of ARS over its long existence, beginning with the Kennedy administration in the early 1960s. Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Bruce Wharton highlighted examples of ARS’s impact on Africa’s future leaders, such as a young readers’ book discussion in Côte d’Ivoire and youth leadership training with an American basketball coach Tommy Davis who travelled to Central African Republic. The reception was held at Embassy Paris’s most historic property, the Hôtel de Talleyrand.

Books-in-French Lists (BIF Lists)

BIF List 239

BIF List 239 - Environment
September 2012


- Climate Change
- Environment and Sustainable Development
- Protection of Environment
- Energy Resources
- Books for Youth


Nouveaux Horizons is on facebook !

NH is on facebook

Nouveaux Horizons Facebook page will inform NH readers young and old, our colleagues at posts, and NH book vendors throughout Francophone Africa and Haiti about new NH books as they are released, it will highlight books on specific subjects, and tell visitors where to purchase or read NH books. It will post news about book events organized locally by Posts, American Corners, book vendors, or other institutions, such as local or international book fairs, book discussions/book donations/book readings, Caravane du livre, etc. The page also features “The minute of English” for English learners and testimonials from NH readers.

This page will be a unique tool to reach out to NH readers and make them more aware of NH books, and to enhance the specific and varied programs that American Cultural Centers and American Corners organize around books. Posts are invited to comment on our page and to reuse the materials. Our hope is that this page will be useful to you and will ultimately bring you more contacts.

Please “like” it now! And tell us what you think!

eJournal USA

Youth Votes! The 2012 U.S. Elections
PDF in French

Youth Votes! The 2012 U.S. Elections
August 2012

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External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein.
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