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Raw Data

Use the catalog below to access U.S. Federal Executive Branch datasets. Click on the name of a dataset to view additional metadata for that dataset. By accessing the data catalogs, you agree to the Data Policy. The Raw Data catalog provides an instant download of machine readable, platform-independent datasets.


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2009 ACRES AFS AQS ARRA Air Force Air Major Air Minor Army Brownfields CA CAMDBS CERCLIS California Case Chemical Chemical Pollution Chemical Release Chemicals Coast Guard Current Data DOC DUNS Defence Defense Department of Commerce DoD EPA EPCRA EPCRA 313 FRS FRS Data Final Rule Form A Form R HCRIS Hazardous ICIS IP LQG Labor Labor Organization Lake Levels Marine Corps Marines NAICS NCDB NCES NEI NEPA NLRB NPDES NPL National Science Foundation Navy PBT PCS RCRA RCRAINFO RFS RMP Report Reservoir Levels Right to Know SDWIS SIC SQG SSTS STATE Superfund TRI TRI 2009 Data TRI Data TRI Preliminary Data TRI Report TRI Reporting TRI State Data TRIS TSD TVA Lake Levels TVA Reservoir Levels Toxic Toxic Release Toxic Release Inventory Toxics Toxics Release Toxics Release Inventory Transporter U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Patent & Trademark Office U.S. Patent and Trademark Office US Patent and Trademark Office USAF USCG USMC USN USPTO Union United States United States Patent and Trademark Office Veterans and beneficiaries XML affiliation type bibliographic data biota burial data cemeteries children community community right to know community.health community.law comparison critical habitat data directory education emergency services energy environment environmental interest type examine facilities facility facility registry identifier facility site federal data download federal datasets file grant gravesites hc hcahps health hospital compare hospital list hospital type industries industry innovation intellectual property international invention inventor latitude law longitude major discharger medical equipment military minor discharger mortality rates mpv national national priorities list news nhc nursing home ooc organization outcome of care parent organization patent patent grant patient survey payment pentagon poc podcast pollution prevention process of care program system program system acronym program system identifier public health quality ratings readmission rates regulated sites rights safety search section 313 sites soldier source reduction stars statistics supplier supplies toxic chemical release inventory toxic chemicals release inventory toxic release transportation tuesday video waste management weekly yield zip

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